- name: Install pure-ftpd related packages apt: pkg={{ item }} state=installed update_cache=yes with_items: - pure-ftpd when: with_ftp - name: Install pure-ftpd configuration lineinfile: dest: '/etc/pure-ftpd/conf/{{ item.dest }}' regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}' line: '{{ item.line }}' create: yes with_items: - { dest: 'BrokenClientsCompatibility', regexp: '^(yes|no)', line: 'yes' } - { dest: 'ChrootEveryone', regexp: '^(yes|no)', line: 'yes' } - { dest: 'DontResolve', regexp: '^(yes|no)', line: 'yes' } - { dest: 'NoAnonymous', regexp: '^(yes|no)', line: 'yes' } - { dest: 'NoChmod', regexp: '^(yes|no)', line: 'yes' } - { dest: 'PAMAuthentication', regexp: '^(yes|no)', line: 'yes' } - { dest: 'VerboseLog', regexp: '^(yes|no)', line: 'no' } - { dest: 'MinUID', regexp: '^[0-9]+$', line: '34' } # Debian's uid(backup) = 34 notify: - Restart pure-ftpd when: with_ftp - name: Enable pure-ftpd internal DB file: src=/etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PureDB path=/etc/pure-ftpd/auth/80puredb state=link notify: - Restart pure-ftpd when: with_ftp - name: Clean up pure-ftpd internal DB raw: pure-pw list 2>/dev/null | sed -r 's/^(\S+)\s.*$/\1/' | while read u ; do pure-pw userdel "${u}" ; done when: with_ftp - name: Create FTP accounts home directory file: path: '{{item.home}}' owner: '{{item.uid}}' group: '{{item.gid}}' mode: 0755 state: 'directory' with_items: ftp_accounts when: ftp_accounts and with_ftp - name: Add FTP accounts in pure-ftpd raw: printf "{{item.password}}\n{{item.password}}\n" | pure-pw useradd "{{item.user}}" -d "{{item.home}}" -u "{{item.uid}}" -g "{{item.gid}}" with_items: ftp_accounts when: ftp_accounts and with_ftp - name: Rebuild pure-ftpd internal DB raw: pure-pw mkdb 2>/dev/null when: with_ftp - name: Ensure pure-ftpd is running service: name=pure-ftpd state=started when: with_ftp