#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: https.monitor,v 1.15 2000/02/04 23:34:03 andrewr Exp $ # # An extremely simple https monitor for mon. # # Code structure based on Jon Meek & Jim Trocki's http.monitor program. # # https code taken from the get_page.pl function from the # Net::SSLeay distribution by Sampo Kellomaki <sampo@iki.fi> # # It makes use of the Net::SSLeay library and the OpenSSL package # (www.openssl.org). # # To get around the problem that Net::SSLeay carps to STDERR # uncontrollably about a number of things (e.g. connection refused), # we get around this by running the actual ssl get as an escaped # perl program and dropping the stderr of that instance. Gross, but # strangely effective. # # Use the -v option if you actually want to see the full result and # all headers. You'd never use this from mon, since it provides # non-mon-compliant output, but it can be interesting from the command # line. # # # # Distribution and use of this program is under the same terms # as the OpenSSL package itself (i.e. free, but mandatory # attribution; NO WARRANTY). Please consult COPYRIGHT file in # the root of the SSLeay distribution. # use strict; use Socket; use Net::SSLeay qw(die_now die_if_ssl_error) ; use Getopt::Std; # use English; #Net::SSLeay::load_error_strings(); #Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); # Comment this out since on systems without a /dev/[u]random this # line causes an unneccesary carp which will confuse mon. # If you use Linux or BSD or other OS which supports a random device, # feel free to uncomment this line. #Net::SSLeay::randomize(); use vars qw($opt_p $opt_t $opt_u $opt_v); getopts ("vp:t:u:"); my $PORT = $opt_p || 443; my $TIMEOUT = $opt_t || 30; my $URL = $opt_u || "/"; my $perl = "/usr/bin/perl"; # where you keep perl my $field_delim = "<>"; # html field delimiter my @failures = (); my @detail = (); my ($host, $OK, $default_header, $auth_header, $end_header, $request_header, $msg); my ($dest_ip, $dest_serv, $sockaddr_template, $dest_serv_params, $ctx, $ssl, $res, $reply, $got, $ServerOK); foreach $host (@ARGV) { $OK = &httpsGET($host, $PORT, $URL); if (!defined ($OK) || $OK == 0) { push (@failures, $host); } } if (@failures == 0) { exit 0; } print "@failures\n"; print join(";",@detail); exit 1; # Main function begins here sub httpsGET { my ($site, $port, $path) = (@_); my $total_bytes = 0; #set total bytes transferred to 0 my ($page, $result, %headers); # print "attempting to contact site $site on port $port with path $path\n"; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timeout Alarm" }; alarm $TIMEOUT; $result = `$perl -e'use Net::SSLeay ; Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms() ; print join("$field_delim",Net::SSLeay::get_https("$site", "$port", "$path"))' 2>/dev/null`; alarm 0; #cancel the alarm ($page, $result, %headers) = split ("<>",$result); print "Result was `$result'\n" if $opt_v; foreach my $h (sort keys %headers) { print "Header `$h'\tvalue `$headers{$h}'\n" if $opt_v; } if ($result =~ /^HTTP\/([\d\.]+)\s+(200|301|302)\b/) { $ServerOK = 1; } else { $ServerOK = 0; push(@detail,"$result"); } }; if ($EVAL_ERROR and ($EVAL_ERROR eq 'Timeout Alarm')) { print "**** Time Out\n"; return 0; } return $ServerOK; }