{% if ansible_prolog -%}
{% from 'templates/ansible/prolog.j2' import prolog with context %}
{{ prolog() }}
{% endif -%}
# Disable access to the entire file system except for the directories that
# are explicitly allowed later.
# This currently breaks the configurations that come with some web application
# Debian packages.
#<Directory />
#   AllowOverride None
#   Order Deny,Allow
#   Deny from all

# Changing the following options will not really affect the security of the
# server, but might make attacks slightly more difficult in some cases.

# ServerTokens
# This directive configures what you return as the Server HTTP response
# Header. The default is 'Full' which sends information about the OS-Type
# and compiled in modules.
# Set to one of:  Full | OS | Minimal | Minor | Major | Prod
# where Full conveys the most information, and Prod the least.
#ServerTokens Minimal
ServerTokens Prod
#ServerTokens Full

# Optionally add a line containing the server version and virtual host
# name to server-generated pages (internal error documents, FTP directory
# listings, mod_status and mod_info output etc., but not CGI generated
# documents or custom error documents).
# Set to "EMail" to also include a mailto: link to the ServerAdmin.
# Set to one of:  On | Off | EMail
#ServerSignature Off
ServerSignature Off

# Allow TRACE method
# Set to "extended" to also reflect the request body (only for testing and
# diagnostic purposes).
# Set to one of:  On | Off | extended
TraceEnable Off
#TraceEnable On

# Forbid access to version control directories
# If you use version control systems in your document root, you should
# probably deny access to their directories. For example, for subversion:
<DirectoryMatch "/\.(svn|git)">
    Deny from all
    Satisfy all

# Setting this header will prevent MSIE from interpreting files as something
# else than declared by the content type in the HTTP headers.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
#Header set X-Content-Type-Options: "nosniff"

# Some browsers have a built-in XSS filter that will detect some cross site
# scripting attacks. By default, these browsers modify the suspicious part of
# the page and display the result. This behavior can create various problems
# including new security issues. This header will tell the XSS filter to
# completely block access to the page instead.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
#Header set X-XSS-Protection: "1; mode=block"

# Setting this header will prevent other sites from embedding pages from this
# site as frames. This defends against clickjacking attacks.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
#Header set X-Frame-Options: "sameorigin"