{% if ansible_prolog -%} {% from 'templates/ansible/prolog.j2' import prolog with context %} {{ prolog() }} {% endif -%} # # Example config-file for munin-node # log_level 4 log_file /var/log/munin/munin-node.log pid_file /var/run/munin/munin-node.pid background 1 setsid 1 user root group root # Regexps for files to ignore {% if ansible_lsb.codename != 'lenny' and ansible_lsb.codename != 'squeeze' %} ignore_file [\#~]$ {% endif %} ignore_file DEADJOE$ ignore_file \.bak$ ignore_file %$ ignore_file \.dpkg-(tmp|new|old|dist)$ ignore_file \.rpm(save|new)$ ignore_file \.pod$ # Set this if the client doesn't report the correct hostname when # telnetting to localhost, port 4949 # #host_name localhost.localdomain host_name {{ ansible_fqdn }} # A list of addresses that are allowed to connect. This must be a # regular expression, since Net::Server does not understand CIDR-style # network notation unless the perl module Net::CIDR is installed. You # may repeat the allow line as many times as you'd like allow ^127\.0\.0\.1$ allow ^::1$ # If you have installed the Net::CIDR perl module, you can use one or more # cidr_allow and cidr_deny address/mask patterns. A connecting client must # match any cidr_allow, and not match any cidr_deny. Note that a netmask # *must* be provided, even if it's /32 # # Example: # # cidr_allow # cidr_allow # cidr_deny {% if munin_masters is defined %} {% for master in munin_masters %} cidr_allow {{ master }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} # Which address to bind to; host * # host # And which port port 4949 {% if munin_node_timeout is defined %} # Timeout timeout = {{ munin_node_timeout }} {% endif %}