#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 1998 David Eckelkamp # Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Carnegie Mellon University # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id: dns.monitor,v 1.3 2006/09/05 12:52:37 vitroth Exp $ # =head1 NAME dns.monitor - Monitor DNS servers for the "mon" system =head1 SYNOPSIS B =over 12 ( [ I<-zone zone [-zone zone ...]> =over 4 I<-master server [-master server ...]> I<[-serial_threshold num]> I<[-failsingle]> ] =back | [ I<-caching_only> =over 4 I<-query record[:type[:value]] [-query record[:type[:value]] ...]> ] ) =back I<[-tcp]> I<[-retry num]> I<[-retransmit num]> I<[-timeout num]> I<[-debug num]> I =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B will make several DNS queries to verify that a server is operating correctly In normal mode, B will compare the zones between a master server and one or more slave servers. The I argument is the zone to check. There can be multiple I arguments. The I argument is the master server for the I. There can be multiple I arguments. The master server(s) will be queried for the base information. If the I argument is provided, the serials collected from the I servers are checked to be within I. The greatest serial of all of the I servers is chosen for comparison. Then each I will be queried to verify that it has the correct answers. If the I argument is provided, the slave servers must return a zone whose serial number is no more than the threshold from the serial number of the zone on the master. (Zone serial numbers may not be identical during zone propagation, or on Dynamic DNS zones which may be updated hundreds or thousands of times an hour) It is assumed that each I is supposed to be authoritative for the I. The I<-tcp> option will cause lookups to be done via TCP instead of the default UDP. In caching mode, specified via the I<-caching_only> switch, B will perform a set of DNS queries to one or more servers. The I argument is the query to perform. The query may have an optional query type specified as I<:type> on the end of the query. I.e your.zone.com:MX will cause B to fetch the MX records for your.zone.com. There can be multiple I arguments. The query type may also have an optional result specified as I<:value> on the end of the query (type must also be specified). Each I will be contacted to verify that it returns a valid response to the query. If a query result is specified B will return an error is the DNS query returns an answer which differs from the supplied result. If you wish to use B to verify that a caching DNS server is actually fetching fresh data from other servers successfully, it is recommended that the DNS records you query should have very short TTLs. The exit code of B will be the highest number of servers which failed on a single zone/query, 0 if no problems occurred, or -1 if an error with the script arguments was detected. If all of the I servers fail, the return code will be 252. If using the I option and any I server fails, the return code will be 251. =head1 AUTHOR The script was originally written by David Eckelkamp The script was modified to support Caching DNS servers, configurable retry/timeout parameters, multiple DNS Master servers, and configurable Zone serials by David Nolan and Jason Carr from Carnegie Mellon University. =cut use strict; use Getopt::Long; use English; use File::Basename; use Net::DNS::Resolver; use Net::DNS::Packet; use Net::DNS::RR; use Data::Dumper; my($Program) = basename($0); my(@Zones) = (); my(@Queries) = (); my(@Master) = (); my($SerialThreshold) = (0); my($CachingServer) = (0); my($UseTCP) = (0); my ($retries, $retrans, $timeout) = ( 2, 5, undef ); my $debug = 0; my $failsingle = 0; my(%OptVars) = ( "master" => \@Master, "zone" => \@Zones, "serial_threshold" => \$SerialThreshold, "caching_only" => \$CachingServer, "query" => \@Queries, "retry" => \$retries, "retransmit" => \$retrans, "timeout" => \$timeout, "tcp" => \$UseTCP, "debug" => \$debug, "failsingle" => \$failsingle ); if (!GetOptions(\%OptVars, "master=s@", "zone=s@", "serial_threshold=s", "caching_only", "tcp", "query=s@", "retry=i", "retransmit=i", "timeout=i", "debug", "failsingle")) { print STDERR "Problems with Options, sorry\n"; exit -1; } if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) { print STDERR "$Program: at least one server must be specified\n"; usage(); exit -1; } if (!$CachingServer) { if (! @Master) { print STDERR "$Program: The zone master server must be specified\n"; usage(); exit -1; } if (! @Zones) { print STDERR "$Program: At least one zone must be specified\n"; usage(); exit -1; } } else { if (! @Queries) { print STDERR "$Program: At least one query must be specified\n"; usage(); exit -1; } } if (!$CachingServer) { my($err_cnt) = 0; my($bad_servers, $reason, $failcount, @FailedZones, @FailedServers, @Reasons); my($zone, $line, $i); foreach $zone (@Zones) { ($bad_servers, $reason, $failcount) = dns_verify($zone, \@Master, \@ARGV); if (defined($bad_servers)) { $err_cnt = $failcount if ($failcount > $err_cnt); push(@FailedZones, $zone); push(@FailedServers, $bad_servers); push(@Reasons, $reason); } } @FailedServers=split(' ',join(" ",@FailedServers)); my (@UniqFailedServers, %saw); @saw{@FailedServers} = (); @UniqFailedServers = keys %saw; if ($err_cnt > 0) { print join(" ", @UniqFailedServers); print "\n"; # Now print the detail lines for ($i=0; $i<=$#FailedZones; $i++) { print "Zone '$FailedZones[$i]': failed servers: $FailedServers[$i]\n"; print "Diagnostics:\n"; foreach $line (split("\n", $Reasons[$i])) { print " $line\n"; } print "\n"; } } exit $err_cnt; } else { my($err_cnt) = 0; my($bad_servers, $reason, $failcount, @FailedQuerys, @FailedServers, @Reasons); my($query, $type, $line, $i, $target); foreach (@Queries) { ($query, $type, $target) = split /:/; $type = 'A' if ($type eq ""); ($bad_servers, $reason, $failcount) = dns_test($query, $type, $target, @ARGV); if (defined($bad_servers)) { $err_cnt = $failcount if ($failcount > $err_cnt); push(@FailedQuerys, "$query $type") if (!$target); push(@FailedQuerys, "$query $type == $target $type") if ($target); push(@FailedServers, $bad_servers); push(@Reasons, $reason); } } @FailedServers=split(' ',join(" ",@FailedServers)); my (@UniqFailedServers, %saw); @saw{@FailedServers} = (); @UniqFailedServers = keys %saw; if ($err_cnt > 0) { print join(" ", @UniqFailedServers); print "\n"; # Now print the detail lines for ($i=0; $i<=$#FailedQuerys; $i++) { print "Query '$FailedQuerys[$i]': failed servers: $FailedServers[$i]\n"; print "Diagnostics:\n"; foreach $line (split("\n", $Reasons[$i])) { print " $line\n"; } print "\n"; } } exit $err_cnt; } # dns_verify($zone, \@master, \@Servers) # This subroutine takes 3 or more arguments. The first argument is the name of # the DNS zone/domain to check. The second argument is the name of the DNS # server you consider to be the master of the given zone. The subroutine # will make a DNS query to the the master to get the SOA for the zone and # extract the serial number. The third and rest of the arguments are taken as # names of slave DNS servers. Each server will be queried for the SOA of the # given zone and the serial number will be checked against that found in the # SOA record on the master server. By default the zone serials must be # the same. This may be overridden by the serial_threshold command line # argument. # The return value is a 3 element list. The first element is a space delimited # string containing the names of the slave servers that did not match the # master zone. The second element is a string containing the diagnostic # output that should explain the problem encountered. The third element is a count # of how many servers failed, which will be used as the exit code. sub dns_verify { # First verify that we have enough arguments. my($Zone) = shift; my(@Master) = @{shift()}; my(@Servers) = @{shift()}; my($result) = undef; my(@failed, $res, $soa_req, $Serial, $error_cnt, $server); my(%serials) = (); my(%errors) = (); # Query the $Master for the SOA of $Zone and get the serial number. $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver; $res->usevc(1) if ($UseTCP); $res->defnames(0); # don't append default zone $res->recurse(0); # no recursion $res->retry($retries); # retries before failure $res->retrans($retrans); # retransmission interval $res->udp_timeout($timeout); # set udp timeout $res->tcp_timeout($timeout); # set tcp timeout $error_cnt=0; # Loop through each master server foreach my $qs (@Master) { $res->nameservers($qs); $soa_req = $res->query($Zone, "SOA"); if (!defined($soa_req) || ($soa_req->header->ancount <= 0)) { $error_cnt++; $errors{$qs} = sprintf("SOA query for $Zone from $qs failed %s\n", $res->errorstring); if ($res->errorstring eq 'NOERROR') { $errors{$qs} .= sprintf(" Empty answer received. (No zone on server?)\n") } if ($failsingle) { return ($qs, $errors{$qs}, 251); } next; } unless ($soa_req->header->aa) { $error_cnt++; $errors{$qs} = sprintf("$qs is not authoritative for $Zone\n"); if ($failsingle) { return ($qs, $errors{$qs}, 251); } next; } unless ($soa_req->header->ancount == 1) { $error_cnt++; $errors{$qs} = sprintf("Too many answers for SOA query to %s for %s\n", $qs, $Zone); if ($failsingle) { return ($qs, $errors{$qs}, 251); } next; } unless (($soa_req->answer)[0]->type eq "SOA") { $error_cnt++; $errors{$qs} = printf("Query for SOA for %s from %s failed: " . "return type = %s\n", $Zone, $qs, ($soa_req->answer)[0]->type); if ($failsingle) { return ($qs, $errors{$qs}, 251); } next; } $serials{$qs} = ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial; } if ($debug >= 2) { print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%serials], ['serials']); } if ($error_cnt == scalar @Master) { # all masters errored return("", values %errors, 251); } my $maxvalue = undef; my $minvalue = undef; my $maxkey = undef; my $minkey = undef; foreach my $key (keys %serials) { if ($serials{$key} > $maxvalue) { $maxvalue = $serials{$key}; $maxkey = $key; } if (($serials{$key} < $minvalue) || (!defined $minkey)) { $minvalue = $serials{$key}; $minkey = $key; } } if (abs($maxvalue - $minvalue) > $SerialThreshold) { return ($minkey, "\nQuery to $minkey about $Zone failed\n" . "Serial number = $minvalue, should have been $maxvalue\n", 252) } $Serial = $maxvalue; return ("", "\nNo SOA Serial found for $Zone!?!?", 252) if (!$Serial); # Now, foreach server given on the command line, get the serial number from # the SOA and compare it to the master. $error_cnt = 0; foreach $server (@Servers) { $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver; $res->usevc(1) if ($UseTCP); $res->defnames(0); # don't append default zone $res->recurse(0); # no recursion $res->retry($retries); $res->retrans($retrans); $res->udp_timeout($timeout); $res->tcp_timeout($timeout); $res->nameservers($server); $soa_req = $res->query($Zone, "SOA"); if (!defined($soa_req) || ($soa_req->header->ancount <= 0)) { $error_cnt++; push(@failed, $server); $result .= sprintf("\nSOA query for $Zone from $server failed %s\n", $res->errorstring); if ($res->errorstring eq 'NOERROR') { $result .= sprintf(" Empty answer received. (No zone on server?)\n"); } next; } unless($soa_req->header->aa && $soa_req->header->ancount == 1 && ($soa_req->answer)[0]->type eq "SOA" && ((abs(($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial - $Serial)) <= $SerialThreshold)) { $error_cnt++; push(@failed, $server); $result .= sprintf("\nQuery to $server about $Zone failed\n" . "Authoritative = %s\n" . "Answer count = %d\n" . "Answer Type = %s\n" . "Serial number = %s, should have been %s\n" , $soa_req->header->aa ? "yes" : "no", $soa_req->header->ancount, ($soa_req->answer)[0]->type, ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial, $Serial); next; } } if ($error_cnt == 0) { return(undef, undef, undef); } else { return("@failed", $result, $error_cnt); } } # dns_test($query, $type, $target, $server, ...) # This subroutine takes 4 or more arguments. The first argument is the name of # the DNS record to query. The second argument is the type of the DNS # query to perform. The third argument is the name of a second DNS record to query, # whose results should match the first query. The fourth and rest of the arguments are # taken as names of caching DNS servers. Each server will be queried for the # given record and type # The return value is a 3 element list. The first element is a space delimited # string containing the names of the servers that failed to respond to the # query. The second element is a string containing the diagnostic # output that should explain the problem encountered. The third element is the # count of how many servers failed, which will be used as the exit code. sub dns_test { # First verify that we have enough arguments. my($Query, $type, $target, @Servers) = @_; my($result) = undef; my(@failed, $res, $req, $treq, $Serial, $error_cnt, $server); # Now, foreach server given on the command line, # make the query $error_cnt = 0; foreach $server (@Servers) { $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver; $res->defnames(0); # don't append default zone $res->retry($retries); # 2 retries before failure $res->retrans($retrans); $res->udp_timeout($timeout); $res->tcp_timeout($timeout); $res->nameservers($server); $req = $res->query($Query, $type); if (!defined($req) || ($req->header->ancount <= 0)) { $error_cnt++; push(@failed, $server); $result .= sprintf("\n$type query for $Query from $server failed %s\n", $res->errorstring); next; } elsif ($target) { $treq = $res->query($target, $type); my $status = 0; foreach my $qans ($req->answer) { print STDERR $qans->string."\n" if ($debug); print STDERR $qans->rdatastr."\n" if ($debug); foreach my $tans ($treq->answer) { print STDERR "target\n" if ($debug); print STDERR $tans->string."\n" if ($debug); print STDERR $tans->rdatastr."\n" if ($debug); if ($tans->rdatastr eq $qans->rdatastr) { print STDERR "match found\n" if ($debug); $status = 1; last; } } last if ($status); } if (!$status) { $error_cnt++; push @failed, $server; $result .= "Query $Query:$type failed to match $target\n"; } } } if ($error_cnt == 0) { return(undef, undef, undef); } else { return("@failed", $result, $error_cnt); } } sub usage { print STDERR <