- name: "Install ssh packages" apt: pkg: '{{ item }}' state: 'present' with_items: - 'openssh-server' - 'openssh-client' when: with_ssh tags: - 'ssh' - name: 'Install sshd configuration (Debian <= 8)' template: src: 'ssh/sshd_config.legacy.j2' dest: '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' owner: 'root' group: 'root' mode: 0644 notify: - Restart ssh when: with_ssh and ansible_lsb.major_release|int <= 8 tags: - 'ssh' - name: 'Install sshd configuration (Debian >= 9)' template: src: 'ssh/sshd_config.j2' dest: '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' owner: 'root' group: 'root' mode: 0644 notify: - Restart ssh when: with_ssh and ansible_lsb.major_release|int >= 9 tags: - 'ssh' - name: 'Ensure ssh is running' service: name: 'ssh' state: 'started' when: with_ssh tags: - 'ssh' # vim: ft=yaml.ansible