#!/bin/bash # {{{ License and Copyright # PostgreSQL Backup Script # https://github.com/k0lter/autopostgresqlbackup # Copyright (c) 2005 Aaron Axelsen # 2005 Friedrich Lobenstock # 2013-2022 Emmanuel Bouthenot # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # }}} # {{{ Variables # Username to access the PostgreSQL server e.g. dbuser USERNAME=postgres # Password # create a file ${HOME}/.pgpass containing a line like this # hostname:*:*:dbuser:dbpass # replace hostname with the value of DBHOST and postgres with # the value of USERNAME # Host name (or IP address) of PostgreSQL server e.g localhost DBHOST=localhost # Port of PostgreSQL server e.g 5432 (only used if DBHOST != localhost) DBPORT=5432 # List of DBNAMES for Daily/Weekly Backup e.g. "DB1 DB2 DB3" DBNAMES="all" # pseudo database name used to dump global objects (users, roles, tablespaces) GLOBALS_OBJECTS="postgres_globals" # Backup directory location e.g /backups BACKUPDIR="/var/backups" # Email Address to send mail to? (user@domain.com) MAILADDR="user@domain.com" # ============================================================ # === ADVANCED OPTIONS ( Read the doc's below for details )=== #============================================================= # List of DBNAMES to EXLUCDE if DBNAMES are set to all (must be in " quotes) DBEXCLUDE="" # Include CREATE DATABASE in backup? CREATE_DATABASE=yes # Which day do you want weekly backups? (1 to 7 where 1 is Monday) # When set to 0, weekly backups are disabled DOWEEKLY=6 # Which day do you want monthly backups? (default is 1, first day of the month) # When set to 0, monthly backups are disabled DOMONTHLY=1 # Backup retention count for daily backups # Default is 14 days BRDAILY=14 # Backup retention count for weekly backups # Default is 5 weeks BRWEEKLY=5 # Backup retention count for monthly backups # Default is 12 months BRMONTHLY=12 # Choose Compression type. (gzip, pigz, bzip2, xz or zstd) COMP=gzip # Compression options COMP_OPTS= # OPT string for use with pg_dump (see man pg_dump) OPT="" # Backup files extension EXT="sql" # Backup files permission PERM=600 # Encryption settings # (inspired by http://blog.altudov.com/2010/09/27/using-openssl-for-asymmetric-encryption-of-backups/) # # It is recommended to backup into a staging directory, and then use the # POSTBACKUP script to sync the encrypted files to the desired location. # # Encryption uses private/public keys. You can generate the key pairs like the following: # openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 100000 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout backup.key -out backup.crt -subj '/' # # Decryption: # openssl smime -decrypt -in backup.sql.gz.enc -binary -inform DEM -inkey backup.key -out backup.sql.gz # Enable encryption ENCRYPTION=no # Encryption public key (path to the key) ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY="" # Encryption Cipher (see enc manpage) ENCRYPTION_CIPHER="aes256" # Suffix for encyrpted files ENCRYPTION_SUFFIX=".enc" # Command to run before backups (uncomment to use) #PREBACKUP="/etc/postgresql-backup-pre" # Command run after backups (uncomment to use) #POSTBACKUP="/etc/postgresql-backup-post" # }}} # {{{ OS Specific #===================================================================== # Debian specific options === #===================================================================== if [ -f /etc/default/autopostgresqlbackup ]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null . /etc/default/autopostgresqlbackup fi # }}} # {{{ Documentation #===================================================================== # Options documentation #===================================================================== # Set USERNAME and PASSWORD of a user that has at least SELECT permission to # ALL databases. # # Set the DBHOST option to the server you wish to backup, leave the default to # backup "this server". To backup multiple servers make copies of this file and # set the options for that server. # # Put in the list of DBNAMES (Databases) to be backed up. If you would like to # backup ALL DBs on the server set DBNAMES="all". If set to "all" then any new # DBs will automatically be backed up without needing to modify this backup # script when a new DB is created. # # If the DB you want to backup has a space in the name replace the space with a # % e.g. "data base" will become "data%base" # # You can change the backup storage location to anything you like by using the # BACKUPDIR setting. # # === Advanced options doc's === # # If you set DBNAMES="all" you can configure the option DBEXCLUDE. Other wise # this option will not be used. This option can be used if you want to backup # all dbs, but you want exclude some of them. (eg. if a db is to big). # # Set CREATE_DATABASE to "yes" (the default) if you want your SQL-Dump to # create a database with the same name as the original database when restoring. # Saying "no" here will allow your to specify the database name you want to # restore your dump into, making a copy of the database by using the dump # created with autopostgresqlbackup. # # Use PREBACKUP and POSTBACKUP to specify Per and Post backup commands # or scripts to perform tasks either before or after the backup process. # #===================================================================== # Backup Rotation.. #===================================================================== # # Rotation is configurable for each period: # - daily (max $BRDAILY backups are keeped) # - weekly (max $BRWEEKLY backups are keeped) # - monthy (max $BRMONTHLY backups are keeped) # # }}} # {{{ Defaults PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/postgres/bin:/usr/local/pgsql/bin NAME="AutoPostgreSQLBackup" # Script name VERSION="2.0" # Version Number DATE="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm')" # Datestamp e.g 2002-09-21 DNOW="$(date '+%u')" # Day number of the week 1 to 7 where 1 represents Monday DNOM="$(date '+%d')" # Date of the Month e.g. 27 LOG_DIR="${BACKUPDIR}" # Directory where the main log is saved # Fix day of month (left padding with 0) DOMONTHLY="$(echo "${DOMONTHLY}" | sed -r 's/^[0-9]$/0\0/')" # Using a shared memory filesystem (if available) to avoid # issues when there is no left space on backup storage if [ -w "/dev/shm" ]; then LOG_DIR="/dev/shm" fi LOG_FILE="${LOG_DIR}/${NAME}_${DBHOST//\//_}-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm').log" # Debug mode DEBUG="no" # pg_dump options if [ -n "${OPT}" ]; then IFS=" " read -r -a PG_OPTIONS <<< "${OPT}" else PG_OPTIONS=() fi # Create required directories if [ ! -e "${BACKUPDIR}" ]; then # Check Backup Directory exists. mkdir -p "${BACKUPDIR}" fi if [ ! -e "${BACKUPDIR}/daily" ]; then # Check Daily Directory exists. mkdir -p "${BACKUPDIR}/daily" fi if [ ! -e "${BACKUPDIR}/weekly" ]; then # Check Weekly Directory exists. mkdir -p "${BACKUPDIR}/weekly" fi if [ ! -e "${BACKUPDIR}/monthly" ]; then # Check Monthly Directory exists. mkdir -p "${BACKUPDIR}/monthly" fi # Hostname for LOG information and # pg_dump{,all} connection settings if [ "${DBHOST}" = "localhost" ]; then HOST="$(hostname --fqdn)" PG_CONN=() else HOST="${DBHOST}:${DBPORT}" PG_CONN=(--host "${DBHOST}" --port "${DBPORT}") fi if [ -n "${USERNAME}" ]; then PG_CONN+=(--username "${USERNAME}") fi # }}} # {{{ log{,ger,_info,_debug,_warn,_error}() logger() { local fd line severity reset color fd="${1}" severity="${2}" reset= color= if [ -n "${TERM}" ]; then reset="\e[0m" case "${severity}" in error) color="\e[0;91m" ;; warn) color="\e[0;93m" ;; debug) color="\e[0;96m" ;; *) color="\e[0;94m" ;; esac fi while IFS= read -r line ; do printf "%s|%s|%s\n" "${fd}" "${severity}" "${line}" >> "${LOG_FILE}" if [ "${DEBUG}" = "yes" ]; then if [ "${fd}" = "out" ]; then printf "${color}%6s${reset}|%s\n" "${severity}" "${line}" >&6 elif [ "${fd}" = "err" ]; then printf "${color}%6s${reset}|%s\n" "${severity}" "${line}" >&7 fi fi done } log() { echo "$@" | logger "out" "" } log_debug() { echo "$@" | logger "out" "debug" } log_info() { echo "$@" | logger "out" "info" } log_error() { echo "$@" | logger "err" "error" } log_warn() { echo "$@" | logger "err" "warn" } # }}} # {{{ dblist() dblist () { local cmd_prog cmd_args raw_dblist dblist dbexcl databases cmd_prog="psql" cmd_args=(-t -l -A -F:) if [ "${#PG_CONN[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then cmd_args+=("${PG_CONN[@]}") fi log_debug "Running command: ${cmd_prog} ${cmd_args[*]}" raw_dblist=$( if [ -n "${SU_USERNAME}" ]; then su - "${SU_USERNAME}" -l -c "${cmd_prog} ${cmd_args[*]}" else "${cmd_prog}" "${cmd_args[@]}" fi ) read -r -a dblist <<< "$( printf "%s" "${raw_dblist}" | \ sed -r -n 's/^([^:]+):.+$/\1/p' | \ tr '\n' ' ' )" log_debug "Automatically found databases: ${dblist[*]}" if [ -n "${DBEXCLUDE}" ]; then IFS=" " read -r -a dbexcl <<< "${DBEXCLUDE}" else dbexcl=() fi dbexcl+=(template0) log_debug "Excluded databases: ${dbexcl[*]}" mapfile -t databases < <( comm -23 \ <(IFS=$'\n'; echo "${dblist[*]}" | sort) \ <(IFS=$'\n'; echo "${dbexcl[*]}" | sort) \ ) databases+=("${GLOBALS_OBJECTS}") log_debug "Database(s) to be backuped: ${databases[*]}" printf "%s " "${databases[@]}" } # }}} # {{{ dbdump() dbdump () { local db cmd_prog cmd_args pg_args db="${1}" pg_args="${PG_OPTIONS[*]}" if [ "${db}" = "${GLOBALS_OBJECTS}" ]; then cmd_prog="pg_dumpall" cmd_args=(--globals-only) else cmd_prog="pg_dump" cmd_args=("${DB}") if [ "${CREATE_DATABASE}" = "yes" ]; then pg_args+=(--create) fi fi if [ "${#PG_CONN[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then cmd_args+=("${PG_CONN[@]}") fi if [ "${#pg_args[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then cmd_args+=("${pg_args[@]}") fi log_debug "Running command: ${cmd_prog} ${cmd_args[*]}" if [ -n "${SU_USERNAME}" ]; then su - "${SU_USERNAME}" -l -c "${cmd_prog} ${cmd_args[*]}" else "${cmd_prog}" "${cmd_args[@]}" fi } # }}} # {{{ encryption() encryption() { log_debug "Encrypting using cypher ${ENCRYPTION_CIPHER} and public key ${ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY}" openssl smime -encrypt -${ENCRYPTION_CIPHER} -binary -outform DEM "${ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY}" 2>&7 } # }}} # {{{ compression() compression () { if [ -n "${COMP_OPTS}" ]; then IFS=" " read -r -a comp_args <<< "${COMP_OPTS}" log_debug "Compressing using '${COMP} ${comp_args[*]}'" "${COMP}" "${comp_args[@]}" 2>&7 else log_debug "Compressing using '${COMP}'" "${COMP}" 2>&7 fi } # }}} # {{{ dump() dump() { local db_name dump_file comp_ext db_name="${1}" dump_file="${2}" if [ -n "${COMP}" ]; then comp_ext=".comp" case "${COMP}" in gzip|pigz) comp_ext=".gz" ;; bzip2) comp_ext=".bz2" ;; xz) comp_ext=".xz" ;; zstd) comp_ext=".zstd" ;; esac dump_file="${dump_file}.${comp_ext}" fi if [ "${ENCRYPTION}" = "yes" ]; then dump_file="${dump_file}${ENCRYPTION_SUFFIX}" fi if [ -n "${COMP}" ] && [ "${ENCRYPTION}" = "yes" ]; then log_debug "Dumping (${db_name}) +compress +encrypt to '${dump_file}'" dbdump "${db_name}" | compression | encryption > "${dump_file}" elif [ -n "${COMP}" ]; then log_debug "Dumping (${db_name}) +compress to '${dump_file}'" dbdump "${db_name}" | compression > "${dump_file}" elif [ "${ENCRYPTION}" = "yes" ]; then log_debug "Dumping (${db_name}) +encrypt to '${dump_file}'" dbdump "${db_name}" | encryption > "${dump_file}" else log_debug "Dumping (${db_name}) to '${dump_file}'" dbdump "${db_name}" > "${dump_file}" fi if [ -f "${dump_file}" ]; then log_debug "Fixing permissions (${PERM}) on '${dump_file}'" chmod "${PERM}" "${dump_file}" if [ ! -s "${dump_file}" ]; then log_error "Something went wrong '${dump_file}' is empty (no space left on device?)" fi else log_error "Something went wrong '${dump_file}' does not exists (error during dump?)" fi } # }}} # {{{ cleanup() cleanup() { local dumpdir db when count line dumpdir="${1}" db="${2}" when="${3}" count="${4}" # Since version >= 2.0 the dump filename no longer contains the week number # or the abbreviated month name so in order to be sure to remove the older # dumps we need to sort the filename on the datetime part (YYYY-MM-DD_HHhMMm) log_info "Rotating ${count} ${when} backups..." log_debug "Looking for '${db}_*' in '${dumpdir}/${when}/${db}'" find "${dumpdir}/${when}/${db}/" -name "${db}_*" | \ sed -r 's/^.+([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2}h[0-9]{2}m).*$/\1 \0/' | \ sort -r | \ sed -r -n 's/\S+ //p' | \ tail "+${count}" | \ xargs -L1 rm -fv | \ while IFS= read -r line ; do log_info "${line}" done } # }}} # {{{ usage() usage() { cat <&2 exit 1 esac done # }}} # {{{ I/O redirection(s) for logging exec 6>&1 # Link file descriptor #6 with stdout. # Saves stdout. exec 7>&2 # Link file descriptor #7 with stderr. # Saves stderr. exec > >( logger "out") exec 2> >( logger "err") # }}} # {{{ PreBackup # Run command before we begin if [ -n "${PREBACKUP}" ]; then log_info "Prebackup command output:" ${PREBACKUP} | \ while IFS= read -r line ; do log " ${line}" done fi # }}} # {{{ main() log_info "${NAME} version ${VERSION}" log_info "Backup of Database Server - ${HOST}" if [ -n "${COMP}" ]; then if ! command -v "${COMP}" >/dev/null ; then log_warn "Disabling compression, '${COMP}' command not found" unset COMP fi fi if [ "${ENCRYPTION}" = "yes" ] && ! command -v "openssl" >/dev/null ; then log_warn "Disabling encryption, 'openssl' command not found" ENCRYPTION="no" fi log_info "Backup Start: $(date)" if [ "${DNOM}" = "${DOMONTHLY}" ]; then period="monthly" rotate="${BRMONTHLY}" elif [ "${DNOW}" = "${DOWEEKLY}" ]; then period="weekly" rotate="${BRWEEKLY}" else period="daily" rotate="${BRDAILY}" fi # If backing up all DBs on the server if [ "${DBNAMES}" = "all" ]; then DBNAMES="$(dblist)" fi for db in ${DBNAMES} ; do db="${db//%/ / }" log_info "Backup of Database (${period}) '${db}'" backupdbdir="${BACKUPDIR}/${period}/${db}" if [ ! -e "${backupdbdir}" ]; then log_debug "Creating Backup DB directory '${backupdbdir}'" mkdir -p "${backupdbdir}" fi cleanup "${BACKUPDIR}" "${db}" "${period}" "${rotate}" backupfile="${backupdbdir}/${db}_${DATE}.${EXT}" dump "${db}" "${backupfile}" done log_info "Backup End: $(date)" log_info "Total disk space used for ${BACKUPDIR}: $(du -hs "${BACKUPDIR}" | cut -f1)" # }}} # {{{ PostBackup # Run command when we're done if [ -n "${POSTBACKUP}" ]; then log_info "Postbackup command output:" ${POSTBACKUP} | \ while IFS= read -r line ; do log " ${line}" done fi # }}} # {{{ cleanup I/O redirections exec 1>&6 6>&- # Restore stdout and close file descriptor #6. exec 2>&7 7>&- # Restore stdout and close file descriptor #7. # }}} # {{{ Reporting if [ "${DEBUG}" = "no" ] && grep -q '^err|' "${LOG_FILE}" ; then ( printf "*Errors/Warnings* (below) reported during backup on *%s*:\n\n" "${HOST}" grep '^err|' "${LOG_FILE}" | cut -d '|' -f 3- | \ while IFS= read -r line ; do printf " | %s\n" "${line}" done printf "\n\nFull backup log follows:\n\n" grep -v '^...|debug|' "${LOG_FILE}" | \ while IFS="|" read -r fd level line ; do if [ -n "${level}" ]; then printf "%8s| %s\n" "*${level}*" "${line}" else printf "%8s| %s\n" "" "${line}" fi done printf "\nFor more information, try to run %s in debug mode, see \`%s -h\`\n" "${NAME}" "$(basename "$0")" ) | mail -s "${NAME} - log" "${MAILADDR}" fi # }}} # {{{ Cleanup logs and exit() if [ -s "${LOGERR}" ]; then rc=1 else rc=0 fi # Clean up log files rm -f "${LOG_FILE}" exit ${rc} # }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker foldlevel=0 foldenable