# # Zsh configuration file # Since 2006, kolter # # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY # export ZSHDOTDIR=~/.zsh if [[ ! -f "${HOME}/.zcomet/bin/zcomet.zsh" ]]; then command git clone https://github.com/agkozak/zcomet.git "${HOME}/.zcomet/bin" fi source "${HOME}/.zcomet/bin/zcomet.zsh" zcomet load sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/directory zcomet load sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/dpkg zcomet load sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/editor zcomet load sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/environment zcomet load sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/terminal zcomet load sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/history zcomet load sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/spectrum zcomet load sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/completion zcomet load zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting zcomet load zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search zcomet load zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions zcomet load spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt spaceship.zsh if [[ -d "${ZSHDOTDIR}/config" ]]; then zcomet load "${ZSHDOTDIR}" fi if [ "${UID}" = 0 ] && [ -n "${SUDO_UID}" ] ; then zstyle ':zcomet:compinit' arguments "-u" fi zcomet compinit