#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to # the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want # To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See # http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. _NAME = 'pmailq' _HELP = "[OPTIONS] [ list | parse | del ]" _DESC = "%s postfix mail queue manager" % _NAME _VERSION = '0.3' _AUTHOR = 'Emmanuel Bouthenot ' MAILQ = "postqueue -p" DELQ = "postsuper -d" from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup # needs python >= 2.3 import sys, os, subprocess, fcntl, select, fnmatch class Proc: def run(self, command): proc = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=1, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) proc.stdin.close() outfile = proc.stdout outfd = outfile.fileno() errfile = proc.stderr errfd = errfile.fileno() # avoid deadlocks self.set_no_block(outfd) self.set_no_block(errfd) outdata = errdata = '' outeof = erreof = False while True: # wait for activity ready = select.select([outfd, errfd], [], []) if outfd in ready[0]: outchunk = outfile.read() if outchunk == '': outeof = True outdata = outdata + outchunk if errfd in ready[0]: errchunk = errfile.read() if errchunk == '': erreof = True errdata = errdata + errchunk if outeof and erreof: break # give a little time for buffers to fill select.select([],[],[],.1) err = proc.wait() return err, outdata, errdata def set_no_block(self, fd): fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) try: fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NDELAY) except AttributeError: fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | fcntl.FNDELAY) class Mailqueue: def __init__(self): self.mailqueue = [] self.filters = { 'email' : None, 'msg' : None, 'lowsize' : 0, 'upsize' : 0, 'active' : False, 'hold' : False } self.parse() def add_filter(self, key, value): self.filters[key] = value def parse(self): p_ret, p_stdout, p_stderr = Proc().run(MAILQ) # mail system down ? if p_ret != 0: sys.stderr.write ("ERR : %s\n" % ", ".join(p_stderr.strip().split("\n"))) sys.exit (-1) buffer = p_stdout.strip().split('\n'); # checking empty mail queue if len(buffer)>0 and buffer[0].strip() == "Mail queue is empty": sys.stderr.write ("INFO : %s\n" % buffer[0].strip()) return None # skip first and last line buffer = "\n".join(buffer[1:-1]).strip() for block in buffer.split("\n\n"): lines = block.split("\n") headers = lines[0].split(' ') # squeeze repeated spaces while '' in headers: headers.remove('') queue = [] dest = [] info = "" for expl in lines[1:]: expl = expl.strip() if expl.startswith("(") and expl.endswith(")"): if info == "": info = expl[1:len(expl)-1] if dest != []: queue.append({ "info" : info , "dest" : dest }) dest = [] info = expl[1:len(expl)-1] else: dest.append(expl.lower()) if dest != []: queue.append({ "info" : info , "dest" : dest }) self.mailqueue.append({ "id" : headers[0].rstrip("*!"), "active" : headers[0].endswith("*"), "hold" : headers[0].endswith("!"), "size" : headers[1], "date" : " ".join(headers[2:5]), "queue" : queue }) def check(self, size, active, hold, dest, infos): if self.filters['email'] != None: match = False for e in dest: if fnmatch.fnmatch(e.lower(), self.filters['email'].lower()): match = True if not match: return False if self.filters['msg'] != None: match = False for i in infos: if fnmatch.fnmatch(i.lower(), self.filters['msg'].lower()): match = True if not match: return False if self.filters['active'] and not active: return False if self.filters['hold'] and not hold: return False if self.filters['lowsize'] != 0 and int(size) > self.filters['lowsize']: return False if self.filters['upsize'] != 0 and int(size) < self.filters['upsize']: return False return True def cmd_list(self): for m in self.mailqueue: out = "%s\n" % m['id'] out += " -date: %s\n" % m['date'] out += " -size: %s\n" % m['size'] out += " -active: %s\n" % str(m['active']) out += " -hold: %s\n" % str(m['hold']) out += " -to:\n" to = [] i = [] for n in m['queue']: i.append(n['info']) to += n['dest'] out += " + %s : [%s]\n" % (",".join(n['dest']), n['info']) if self.check(m['size'], m['active'], m['hold'], to, i): print out def cmd_parse(self): for m in self.mailqueue: e = [] i = [] for n in m['queue']: i.append(n['info']) for o in n['dest']: e.append(o) if self.check(m['size'], m['active'], m['hold'], e, i): print "%s|%s|%s|%d|%d|%s" % (m['id'], m['date'], m['size'], int(m['active']), int(m['hold']), ",".join(n['dest'])) def cmd_del(self): for m in self.mailqueue: e = [] i=[] for n in m['queue']: i.append(n['info']) for o in n['dest']: e.append(o) if self.check(m['size'], m['active'], m['hold'], e, i): proc = popen2.Popen3("%s %s" % (DELQ, m['id']), True) p_ret = proc.wait() if p_ret != 0: print "deleting %s [FAILED] (%s)" % (m['id'], "".join(proc.childerr.readlines()).strip()) else: print "deleting %s [OK]" % m['id'] def main(): usage = "%prog " + _HELP desc = _DESC parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=desc, version=("%s %s" % (_NAME, _VERSION))) opts = OptionGroup(parser, "filters") opts.add_option("-e", "--email", dest="email", type="string", metavar="PATTERN", help="select entries in queue with email matching PATTERN") parser.set_defaults(email=None) opts.add_option("-m", "--msg", dest="msg", type="string", metavar="PATTERN", help="select entries in queue with error message matching PATTERN") parser.set_defaults(msg=None) opts.add_option("-l", "--size-lower", dest="lowsize", type="int", metavar="SIZE", help="select entries in queue with size lower than SIZE bytes") parser.set_defaults(lowsize=0) opts.add_option("-u", "--size-upper", dest="upsize", type="int", metavar="SIZE", help="select entries in queue with size upper than SIZE bytes") parser.set_defaults(upsize=0) opts.add_option("-a", "--active", dest="active", default=False, action="store_true", help="select 'active' entries in queue (default: no)") opts.add_option("-o", "--hold", dest="hold", default=False, action="store_true", help="select 'on hold' entries in queue (default: no)") parser.add_option_group(opts) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() m = Mailqueue() m.add_filter("email", options.email) m.add_filter("msg", options.msg) m.add_filter("lowsize", options.lowsize) m.add_filter("upsize", options.upsize) m.add_filter("active", options.active) m.add_filter("hold", options.hold) if args == []: m.cmd_list() elif args[0] == "list": m.cmd_list() elif args[0] == "parse": m.cmd_parse() elif args[0] == "del": m.cmd_del() else: print "%s %s" % (_NAME, _HELP) if __name__ == "__main__": main()