# pmailq - Postfix Mail Queue manager ## Description pmailq processes the output of the Postfix mailq command, and can list, parse (machine-readably), or delete queued messages in batches. They can be selected by size, by queue status, and by pattern matching (with wildcards) on recipient addresses and server error messages. ## Commands Action to perform on selected entries: **list** Show (via ***postqueue -p***)a detailed listing of the selected entries. **parse** Show a listing of the selected entries in a machine readable format. **del** Delete (via ***postsuper -d***) the selected entries. ## Options **-e PATTERN, --email=PATTERN** Select entries in queue with email matching PATTERN (wildcards allowed). **-m PATTERN, --msg=PATTERN** Select entries in queue with error message matching PATTERN (wildcards allowed). **-l SIZE, --size-lower=SIZE** Select entries in queue with size lower than SIZE bytes. **-u SIZE, --size-upper=SIZE** Select entries in queue with size upper than SIZE bytes. **-a** Select "active" entries in queue. **-o** Select "on hold" entries in queue. **--version** Show program's version number and exit **-h, --help** Show help message and exit ## Examples **Example 1** : display all the entries in queue sent to an recipient address matching "*@example.com*" with a size between 3000 and 3200 bytes in a machine readable format: > pmailq -u 3000 -l 3200 -e "*@example.com" parse 7E75214643A4|Fri Aug 31|3154|1|0|edgar@example.com B0BDE146B640|Thu Aug 30|3199|1|0|paul@example.com B587E146B675|Wed Aug 29|3065|0|0|paul@example.com CF3C514656E4|Wed Aug 29|3161|0|0|abuse@example.com /\ /\ /\ \ \ queue id date size \ \ on hold (or not) \ active (or not) **Example 2**: remove all mails in queue not sent because of a connection timeout: > pmailq -m "*connection*timed*out" del deleting 00CF514616D3 [OK] deleting 12D911461924 [OK] deleting 269EF1461CA9 [OK] deleting 288DF1461CA0 [OK] deleting 3B3901460F62 [OK] deleting 3AE58147019F [OK] ## Author [Emmanuel Bouthenot](mailto:kolter@openics.org) ## Copyright and license Copyright 2007-2019, [Emmanuel Bouthenot](mailto:kolter@openics.org) DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.