@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ setopt always_to_end # move to cursor to the end after completion
setopt notify # report the status of backgrounds jobs immediately
setopt correct # try to correct the spelling if possible
setopt rmstarwait # wait 10 seconds before querying for a rm which contains a *
+setopt noflowcontrol # disable xon/xoff
+setopt histnostore # don't store history command in history
+setopt nobanghist # don't care of '!' in commands
+setopt emacs # zle in emacs mode
+setopt pushdignoredups # ignore dups in pushd stack
#setopt printexitvalue # show the exit-value if > 0
-# Don't ecrase file with >, use >| (overwrite) or >> (append) instead
-#set -C