Selaa lähdekoodia

Remove Muttng configuration.

Emmanuel Bouthenot 16 vuotta sitten

+ 0 - 11

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-# -*- muttrc -*-
-# Mutt configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Aliases settings for Mutt.

+ 0 - 89

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-# -*- muttngrc -*-
-# Muttng configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Colors settings for muttng.
-# Default colour definitions
-color normal     default      default
-color message    brightwhite  default
-color status     brightblue   default
-color hdrdefault yellow       default
-color indicator	 brightwhite  cyan
-color quoted   cyan      default
-color quoted1  yellow    default
-color quoted2  brightred default
-color quoted3  cyan      default
-color quoted4  yellow    default
-color quoted5  brightred default
-color quoted6  cyan      default
-color quoted7  yellow    default
-color quoted8  brightred default
-color signature  white       default
-color tilde      white       default
-color tree       brightblue  default
-color attachment brightgreen default
-# color error      red          white
-# color search     brightwhite  magenta
-# color bold       brightyellow white
-# color markers    red          white
-# Colour definitions when on a mono screen
-mono bold      bold
-mono underline underline
-mono indicator reverse
-# Colours for items in the reader
-color header cyan         default "^From\:|^To\:|^Cc\:|^Bcc\:"
-color header green        default "^Return-Path\:"
-color header blue         default "^Reply-To\:"
-color header brightred    default "\Subject\:|^Date\:"
-# Colours for items in the index
-color index yellow    default ~N           # New messages.
-color index green     default ~O           # Old messages.
-color index brightred default ~D           # Deletes messages.
-# color index brightgreen white "~N (~x hagbard\.davep\.org | ~h \"^In-[Rr]eply-[Tt]o: .*hagbard\.davep\.org\")"
-# color index red         white ~F
-# color index black       green ~T
-# mono  index bold              ~N
-# mono  index bold              ~F
-# mono  index bold              ~T
-# mono  index bold              ~D
-# Highlights inside the body of a message.
-# URLs
-color body green default "(http|https|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ \">\t\r\n]*"
-color body green default "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
-color body green default "news:[^ \">\t\r\n]*"
-mono  body bold	 "(http|https|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ \">\t\r\n]*"
-mono  body bold  "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
-mono  body bold  "news:[^ \">\t\r\n]*"
-# email addresses
-color body green default "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"
-mono  body bold          "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"
-# Various smilies
-color body brightred default "<[Gg]>"                                            # <g>
-color body brightred default "<[Bb][Gg]>"                                        # <bg>
-color body brightred default " [;:]-*[)>(<|]"                                    # :-) etc...
-color body brightred default "(^|[[:space:]])\\*[^[:space:]]+\\*([[:space:]]|$)" # *Bold* text.
-color body brightred default "(^|[[:space:]])_[^[:space:]]+_([[:space:]]|$)"     # _Underlined_ text.
-color body brightred default "(^|[[:space:]])/[^[:space:]]+/([[:space:]]|$)"     # /Italic/ text.
-# Sidebar color
-color sidebar_new yellow default
-color sidebar yellow default

+ 0 - 65

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-# -*- muttngrc -*-
-# Muttng configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Headers settings for Muttng.
-# Ignore all headers
-ignore *
-# Then un-ignore the ones I want to see
-unignore From:
-unignore Resent-From:
-unignore Subject:
-unignore To:
-unignore Cc:
-unignore Bcc:
-unignore Return-Path:
-unignore Reply-To:
-unignore Mail-Followup-To:
-unignore Followup-To:
-unignore Date:
-unignore Resent-Date:
-unignore Organization:
-unignore User-Agent:
-unignore X-Mailer:
-unignore X-Newsreader:
-unignore Newsgroups:
-unignore Summary:
-unignore Keywords:
-unignore Mail-Copies-To:
-unignore Sender:
-unignore X-Sent:
-unignore X-Mailman-Version:
-unignore Posted-To:
-unignore Mail-Copies-To:
-unignore Apparently-To:
-unignore Gnus-Warning:
-unignore Resent-From:
-unignore X-Accept-Language:
-unignore gpg-key-ID:
-unignore X-GPG-Fingerprint:
-unignore X-PGP-Fingerprint:
-unignore X-GnuPG-KeyID:
-unignore fingerprint:
-unignore X-Spam-Status:
-unignore X-Junked-Because:
-unignore X-SpamProbe:
-unignore X-Virus-hagbard:
-unignore X-Originating-IP:
-unignore X-Originating-Email:
-unignore X-Bogosity:
-unignore X-Operating-System:
-unignore X-Apparently-From:
-unignore X-Virus-Scanned:
-unignore Message-ID:
-# Now order the visable header lines
-hdr_order From: Resent-From: Subject: To: Cc: Bcc: Return-Path: Reply-To: Mail-Followup-To: Followup-To: Date: Resent-Date: Organization: User-Agent: X-Mailer: X-Newsreader: Newsgroups: Summary: Keywords: Mail-Copies-To: Sender: X-Sent: X-Mailman-Version: Posted-To: Mail-Copies-To: Apparently-To: Gnus-Warning: Resent-From: X-Accept-Language: gpg-key-ID: X-GPG-Fingerprint: fingerprint: X-Spam-Status: X-Junked-Because: X-SpamProbe: X-Virus-hagbard: X-Originating-IP: X-Originating-Email: Message-ID:

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# -*- muttngrc -*-
-# Muttng configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Identities settings for Muttng.
-folder-hook .*\ml\..*		unmy_hdr Reply-To:
-folder-hook .*\ml\..*		unmy_hdr Bcc:
-macro generic \e<F1> "<enter-command>unmy_hdr *<enter><enter-command>my_hdr From: Emmanuel Bouthenot <><enter><enter-command>my_hdr User-Agent: $user_mua<enter><enter-command>my_hdr X-Operating-System: $user_os<enter><enter-command>my_hdr X-GnuPG-KeyID: $user_gpg_id<enter><enter-command>my_hdr X-GPG-Fingerprint: $user_gpg_fprint<enter><enter-command>set signature=~/.signatures/kolter_openics<enter>"
-macro generic \e<F2> "<enter-command>unmy_hdr *<enter><enter-command>my_hdr From: Emmanuel Bouthenot <><enter><enter-command>my_hdr Reply-To: Emmanuel Bouthenot <><enter><enter-command>my_hdr Bcc: Emmanuel Bouthenot <><enter><enter-command>set signature=~/.signatures/manu_bouthenot<enter>"
-macro generic \e<F3> "<enter-command>unmy_hdr *<enter><enter-command>my_hdr From: Emmanuel Bouthenot <><enter><enter-command>set signature=~/.signatures/manu_free<enter>"

+ 0 - 27

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-# -*- muttngrc -*-
-# Muttng configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Key bindings settings for Muttng.
-bind index,pager "G" imap-fetch-mail
-bind index,pager "+" next-new
-bind index,pager "-" previous-new
-bind index,pager \cp sidebar-prev
-bind index,pager \cn sidebar-next
-bind index,pager \co sidebar-open
-bind index,pager <left>        sidebar-prev
-bind index,pager <right>       sidebar-next
-bind index,pager *             sidebar-open
-bind index,pager <F11>         sidebar-scroll-up
-#bind index,pager \c<PageUp>    sidebar-scroll-up
-bind index,pager <F12>         sidebar-scroll-down
-#bind index,pager \c<PageDown>  sidebar-scroll-down

+ 0 - 32

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-# -*- muttngrc -*-
-# Muttng configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Macros settings for Muttng.
-macro generic \em	"<enter-command>source ~/.muttrc<enter>"	"Reloading muttng's configuration"
-macro index,pager <f1>	"<change-folder> =<enter>"			"Change folder for INBOX"
-macro index,pager <f2>	"<change-folder> =.Sent<enter>"			"Change folder for Sent"
-macro index,pager <f3>	"<change-folder> =.Draft<enter>"		"Change folder for Draft"
-macro index,pager <f4>	"<change-folder> =.Spam<enter>"			"Change folder for Spam"
-macro index,pager <f5>	"<change-folder> =.Trash<enter>"		"Change folder for Trash"
-macro index,pager B	"<enter-command>toggle sidebar_visible<enter>"	"Toggle sidebar visibility"
-macro index \cx "<tag-pattern>~N<enter><tag-prefix><toggle-new><tag-prefix><clear-flag>*" "Mark all new messages as read"
-# bogofilter macros
-#macro index,pager \cs ":unset wait_key\n|bogofilter -Ns\n:set wait_key\n:exec save-message\r=Spam\n" "*** set message as SPAM :-("
-#macro index,pager \ch ":unset wait_key\n|bogofilter -Sn\n:set wait_key\n:exec save-message\r=INBOX\n" "*** set message as HAM :-)"
-# spamassassin macros
-macro index,pager \ch "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><pipe-message>sa-learn --forget<enter><pipe-message>sa-learn --ham --no-sync<enter><enter-command>set wait_key<enter>"	"Set message as HAM"
-#macro index,pager \cs "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><pipe-message>sa-learn --forget<enter><pipe-message>sa-learn --spam --no-sync<enter><enter-command>set wait_key<enter><save-message>=Spam<enter>" "Set message as SPAM"
-macro index,pager \cs "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><bounce-message>spam@kaoru<enter><enter-command>set wait_key<enter><save-message>=.Spam<enter>" "Set message as SPAM"

+ 0 - 118

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-# -*- muttngrc -*-
-# Muttng configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Mailboxes settings for Muttng.
-mailboxes = '+.Drafts'
-mailboxes = '+.Sent'
-mailboxes = '+.Spam'
-mailboxes = '+.Trash'
-mailboxes = '+.sys.dak'
-mailboxes = '+.sys.sympa'
-mailboxes = '+.sys.reports'
-mailboxes = '+.sys.infos'
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = '+.friends.tbs.tiacfooting'
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-#mailboxes = ''
-#mailboxes = ''
-#mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-mailboxes = ''
-#mailboxes = ''
-#mailboxes = ''
-#mailboxes = ''
-#mailboxes = '+.friends.all.alexis'
-#mailboxes = ''
-#mailboxes = ''
-#mailboxes = ''
-# NewsGroups
-mailboxes nntp://
-mailboxes nntp://
-mailboxes nntp://
-mailboxes nntp://
-mailboxes nntp://

+ 0 - 19

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-# -*- muttngrc -*-
-# Muttng configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Mail headers settings for Muttng.
-my_hdr From: $realname <$from>
-# define headers
-my_hdr User-Agent: $user_mua
-my_hdr X-Operating-System: $user_os
-my_hdr X-GnuPG-KeyID: $user_gpg_id
-my_hdr X-GPG-Fingerprint: $user_gpg_fprint

+ 0 - 22

@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# -*- muttngrc -*-
-# Muttng configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Subscribe settings for Muttng.
-subscribe weechat-(dev|cvs)
-subscribe debian-.*@lists\.debian\.org
-subscribe (asso|sl)@france\.debian\.net
-subscribe backports.*@lists\.backports\.org
-subscribe (ca|asso|abonnes|inscrits|tech|debutants|blahblah|annonces|party|devel|web|hourtin)@abul\.org
-subscribe (communication|themes|org|2008)
-subscribe linuxaction
-subscribe hurdfr@hurdfr\.org
-subscribe (shell|emacs|sysadmin)@asyd\.net
-subscribe .*

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# -*- muttrc -*-
-# Mutt configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Mailcap settings for Mutt.
-#text/html; elinks -dump-charset utf8 -force-html -dump-width 132 -dump %s ; copiousoutput
-#text/html; iconv -f latin1 -t utf8 %s | w3m -dump -T text/html ; copiousoutput
-text/html; mailhtml2view %s ; copiousoutput
-audio/*; xmms %s
-image/*; display %s
-video/*; mplayer %s
-application/pdf; pdftotext -layout %s - | iconv -f latin1 -t utf8 ; copiousoutput;

+ 0 - 110

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-# -*- muttngrc -*-
-# Muttng configuration file
-# 2006,  kolter <>
-#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# Global configuration file for Muttng.
-set realname        = "Emmanuel Bouthenot"
-set from            = ""
-set signature       = "~/.signatures/kolter_openics"
-alternates          "kolter|emmanuel\.bouthenot|openics\.org|netconfig|bouthenot\.name"
-#set use_envelope_from = yes                      # set return-path to from instead of user@hostname
-set locale          = "fr_FR.UTF-8"
-set charset         = "utf-8"
-#set folder          = "imap://"
-#set mbox            = "imap://"
-#set spoolfile       = "imap://"
-#set record          = "imap://"     # where to save sent mails
-#set postponed       = "imap://"    # where to save drafts
-#source              ~/.muttngrc-imapauth          # get authentication params for imap
-set mbox_type        = Maildir
-set folder           = "~/Mail/imap"
-set mask             = "^\\.[^.]"
-set mbox             = "~/Mail/imap"
-set record           = "+.Sent"
-set postponed        = "+.Drafts"
-set spoolfile        = "~/Mail/imap"
-set header_cache    = ~/.muttng/cache
-set tmpdir          = ~/.muttng/tmp
-set mail_check      = 60
-set timeout         = 240
-# nntp settings
-set nntp_host       = ""
-set nntp_cache_dir  = ~/.muttng/cache-nntp
-#set nntp_catchup    = yes
-set nntp_mail_check = 10
-#set nntp_reconnect  = yes
-#set nntp_group_index_format="%4C %M%N %n %5s  %-45.45f %d"
-# sidebar settings
-set sidebar_visible = yes
-set sidebar_width   = 46
-set sidebar_shorten_hierarchy = yes
-# user defined vars
-set user_mua          = "`muttng -v | head -1`"
-set user_os           = "Debian GNU/`uname -s` `cat /etc/debian_version` (`uname -r | cut -d'.' -f1-3`)"
-set user_gpg_id       = '414EC36E'
-set user_gpg_fprint   = '04DE 2F33 3CEF EF4F 46BF D6EA A475 EA19 414E C36E'
-#set mask="^[^.]"
-set editor               = "emacs -nw"
-set pager_stop           = yes                    # Do not move to the next message when at the end of a message
-set pager_context        = 2
-set pager_index_lines    = 15
-set edit_headers         = no
-set query_command        = "abook --mutt-query '%s'"
-set sleep_time           = 0
-set smart_wrap           = yes                    # force wrapping of long lines
-set wrapmargin           = 10                     # margin of wraped lines
-auto_view text/html
-alternative_order text/enriched text/plain text
-set reverse_name    = yes                        # reply with address used by mail
-set recall          = no
-set mark_old        = no                         # Do not mark unread messages as old when leaving
-set delete          = ask-yes
-set print           = ask-yes
-set include         = yes
-set index_format     = "%3C %Z | %4c | %[%a %d %b %Y] | %[%H:%M] | %-27.27n | %s"
-set pager_format     = "| %C | %e | %Z | %c | %[%a %d %b %Y] | %[%H:%M] | %L (%a) | %s"
-set xterm_set_titles = yes
-set tilde            = yes
-#set narrow_tree     = yes
-set strict_threads   = yes
-set sort             = reverse-threads
-#set sort            = threads                     # Sort by threads
-#set sort_aux        = reverse-date                # Then sort by date
-source              ~/.muttng/conf/mailboxes
-source              ~/.muttng/conf/headers           # Configure header display.
-source              ~/.muttng/conf/my-headers        # Set personnal headers.
-source              ~/.muttng/conf/colors            # Define colours.
-source              ~/.muttng/conf/macros            # Define macros.
-source              ~/.muttng/conf/keys              # Define keybindings.
-source              ~/.muttng/conf/subscribes        # Define subscribing lists.
-source              ~/.muttng/conf/identities        # Define identities.
-set mailcap_path    = "~/.muttng/etc/mailcap:/etc/mailcap"
-set alias_file="~/.muttng/conf/aliases"
-source ~/.muttng/conf/aliases