13_options.zsh 1.5 KB

  1. #
  2. # Zsh options
  3. #
  4. export LISTPROMPT # in order to scroll if completion list is too big
  5. setopt auto_cd # a command like % /usr/local is equivalent to cd /usr/local
  6. setopt nohup # don't send HUP signal when closing term session
  7. setopt check_jobs # report on jobs when shell exit
  8. setopt extended_glob # in order to use #, ~ and ^ for filename generation
  9. setopt always_to_end # move to cursor to the end after completion
  10. setopt notify # report the status of backgrounds jobs immediately
  11. setopt correct # try to correct the spelling if possible
  12. setopt noflowcontrol # disable xon/xoff
  13. setopt histnostore # don't store history command in history
  14. setopt nobanghist # don't care of '!' in commands
  15. setopt emacs # zle in emacs mode
  16. setopt auto_continue # send SIGCONT to jobs disowned
  17. setopt auto_list # list choice on ambiguous command
  18. setopt auto_pushd # cd = pushd
  19. setopt pushd_ignore_dups # ignore dups in pushd
  20. setopt pushd_silent # don't print stack after push/pop
  21. setopt bang_hist # yeah ! expansion (use bash !$ for example)
  22. setopt chase_links # cd to a symlink is in fact cd to the true dir
  23. setopt ksh_option_print # modify setopt output
  24. setopt long_list_jobs # list jobs in long format
  25. setopt no_rm_star_wait # dont't idle 10 seconds
  26. setopt clobber # Do not overwrite existing files with > and >>