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Move /etc/php5/syscheck.d/ to /etc/phpsyscheck/ and make apc script comptatible with stretch

Emmanuel Bouthenot пре 7 година

+ 21 - 6

@@ -42,12 +42,27 @@
 - name: Create system checks directory /etc/php5/syscheck.d
   file: path=/etc/php5/syscheck.d owner=root group=root mode=0755 state=directory
-- name: Install phpinfo system check
-  template: src=php/phpinfo.php dest=/etc/php5/syscheck.d/index.php owner=root group=root mode=0644
-- name: Install PHP APC extension
-  apt: pkg=php-apc state=installed
-  when: with_php_apc
+- name: 'Create system checks directory /etc/phpsyscheck'
+  file:
+    path: '/etc/phpsyscheck'
+    state: 'directory'
+    owner: 'root'
+    group: 'root'
+    mode: 0755
+- name: 'Install phpinfo system check'
+  template:
+    src: 'php/phpinfo.php'
+    dest: '/etc/phpsyscheck/index.php'
+    owner: 'root'
+    group: 'root'
+    mode: 0644
+- name: 'Install PHP APC extension (Debian <= 8)'
+  apt:
+    pkg: 'php-apc'
+    state: 'installed'
+  when: with_php_apc and ansible_lsb.major_release|int <= 8
 - name: Install php-apc system check
   template: src=php/apc.php dest=/etc/php5/syscheck.d/apc.php owner=root group=root mode=0644

+ 4 - 4

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 {% if phpsyscheck_ssl and ssl_certs_auto_installed.stdout_lines is defined and phpsyscheck_vhostname in ssl_certs_auto_installed.stdout_lines %}
     RedirectMatch permanent (.*) https://{{ phpsyscheck_vhostname }}$1
 {% else %}
-    DocumentRoot /etc/php5/syscheck.d
+    DocumentRoot /etc/phpsyscheck
     DirectoryIndex index.php
     <Location />
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
         Require valid-user
-    <Directory /etc/php5/syscheck.d>
+    <Directory /etc/phpsyscheck>
         Options None
         AllowOverride None
         Order allow,deny
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     Include vhost_ssl_auto-{{ phpsyscheck_vhostname }}.conf
-    DocumentRoot /etc/php5/syscheck.d
+    DocumentRoot /etc/phpsyscheck
     DirectoryIndex index.php
 {% if http_auth_phpmyadmin %}
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 {% endif %}
-    <Directory /etc/php5/syscheck.d>
+    <Directory /etc/phpsyscheck>
         Options None
         AllowOverride None
         Order allow,deny

+ 2 - 2

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ server {
         return 301 https://{{ phpsyscheck_vhostname }}$request_uri;
 {% else %}
-    root /etc/php5/syscheck.d;
+    root /etc/phpsyscheck;
     index index.php;
     try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ server {
     access_log  /var/log/nginx/sys.access.log main;
     error_log   /var/log/nginx/sys.error.log;
-    root /etc/php5/syscheck.d;
+    root /etc/phpsyscheck;
     index index.php;
     try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;

+ 1138 - 7

@@ -1,19 +1,1150 @@
 {% if ansible_prolog -%}
 {% from 'templates/ansible/prolog.j2' import prolog with context %}
-{{ prolog() }}
+{{ prolog('//') }}
 {% endif -%}
+  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | APC                                                                  |
+  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Copyright (c) 2006-2011 The PHP Group                                |
+  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
+  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
+  | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
+  | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt                                  |
+  | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
+  | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
+  | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
+  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Authors: Ralf Becker <beckerr@php.net>                               |
+  |          Rasmus Lerdorf <rasmus@php.net>                             |
+  |          Ilia Alshanetsky <ilia@prohost.org>                         |
+  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+   All other licensing and usage conditions are those of the PHP Group.
-$files = array('/usr/share/doc/php5-apcu/apc.php', '/usr/share/doc/php-apc/apc.php');
+ */
-foreach($files as $file) {
-    if (file_exists($file)) {
-        require_once $file;
+if (file_exists("apc.conf.php")) include("apc.conf.php");
+////////// BEGIN OF DEFAULT CONFIG AREA ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+defaults('USE_AUTHENTICATION',0);           // Use (internal) authentication - best choice if
+                                            // no other authentication is available
+                                            // If set to 0:
+                                            //  There will be no further authentication. You
+                                            //  will have to handle this by yourself!
+                                            // If set to 1:
+                                            //  You need to change ADMIN_PASSWORD to make
+                                            //  this work!
+defaults('ADMIN_USERNAME','apc');           // Admin Username
+defaults('ADMIN_PASSWORD','password');      // Admin Password - CHANGE THIS TO ENABLE!!!
+// (beckerr) I'm using a clear text password here, because I've no good idea how to let
+//           users generate a md5 or crypt password in a easy way to fill it in above
+//defaults('DATE_FORMAT', "d.m.Y H:i:s");   // German
+defaults('DATE_FORMAT', 'Y/m/d H:i:s');     // US
+defaults('GRAPH_SIZE',200);                 // Image size
+//defaults('PROXY', 'tcp://');
+////////// END OF DEFAULT CONFIG AREA /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// "define if not defined"
+function defaults($d,$v) {
+    if (!defined($d)) define($d,$v); // or just @define(...)
+// rewrite $PHP_SELF to block XSS attacks
+$PHP_SELF= isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ? htmlentities(strip_tags($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],''), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : '';
+$time = time();
+$host = php_uname('n');
+if($host) { $host = '('.$host.')'; }
+if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) {
+  $host .= ' ('.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].')';
+// operation constants
+// check validity of input variables
+    'OB'    => '/^\d+$/',           // operational mode switch
+    'CC'    => '/^[01]$/',          // clear cache requested
+    'DU'    => '/^.*$/',            // Delete User Key
+    'SH'    => '/^[a-z0-9]+$/',     // shared object description
+    'IMG'   => '/^[123]$/',         // image to generate
+    'LO'    => '/^1$/',             // login requested
+    'COUNT' => '/^\d+$/',           // number of line displayed in list
+    'SCOPE' => '/^[AD]$/',          // list view scope
+    'SORT1' => '/^[AHSMCDTZ]$/',    // first sort key
+    'SORT2' => '/^[DA]$/',          // second sort key
+    'AGGR'  => '/^\d+$/',           // aggregation by dir level
+    'SEARCH'    => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9/_.-]*$~'           // aggregation by dir level
+// cache scope
+    'A' => 'cache_list',
+    'D' => 'deleted_list'
+// handle POST and GET requests
+if (empty($_REQUEST)) {
+    if (!empty($_GET) && !empty($_POST)) {
+        $_REQUEST = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
+    } else if (!empty($_GET)) {
+        $_REQUEST = $_GET;
+    } else if (!empty($_POST)) {
+        $_REQUEST = $_POST;
+    } else {
+        $_REQUEST = array();
+    }
+// check parameter syntax
+foreach($vardom as $var => $dom) {
+    if (!isset($_REQUEST[$var])) {
+        $MYREQUEST[$var]=NULL;
+    } else if (!is_array($_REQUEST[$var]) && preg_match($dom.'D',$_REQUEST[$var])) {
+        $MYREQUEST[$var]=$_REQUEST[$var];
+    } else {
+        $MYREQUEST[$var]=$_REQUEST[$var]=NULL;
+    }
+// check parameter sematics
+if (empty($MYREQUEST['SORT1'])) $MYREQUEST['SORT1']="H";
+if (empty($MYREQUEST['SORT2'])) $MYREQUEST['SORT2']="D";
+if (!isset($MYREQUEST['COUNT'])) $MYREQUEST['COUNT']=20;
+if (!isset($scope_list[$MYREQUEST['SCOPE']])) $MYREQUEST['SCOPE']='A';
+    "$PHP_SELF".
+    "&SORT1=".$MYREQUEST['SORT1'].
+    "&SORT2=".$MYREQUEST['SORT2'].
+    "$PHP_SELF".
+// authentication needed?
+} else {
+    if (ADMIN_PASSWORD!='password' && ($MYREQUEST['LO'] == 1 || isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']))) {
+        if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) ||
+            !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) ||
+            $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] != ADMIN_PASSWORD) {
+            Header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"APC Login\"");
+            Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
+            echo <<<EOB
+                <html><body>
+                <h1>Rejected!</h1>
+                <big>Wrong Username or Password!</big><br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;
+                <big><a href='$PHP_SELF?OB={$MYREQUEST['OB']}'>Continue...</a></big>
+                </body></html>
+            exit;
+        } else {
+            $AUTHENTICATED=1;
+        }
+    }
+// clear cache
+    apcu_clear_cache();
+if ($AUTHENTICATED && !empty($MYREQUEST['DU'])) {
+    apcu_delete($MYREQUEST['DU']);
+if(!function_exists('apcu_cache_info')) {
+    echo "No cache info available.  APC does not appear to be running.";
+  exit;
+$cache = apcu_cache_info();
+// don't cache this page
+header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");  // HTTP/1.1
+header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
+header("Pragma: no-cache");                                    // HTTP/1.0
+function duration($ts) {
+    global $time;
+    $years = (int)((($time - $ts)/(7*86400))/52.177457);
+    $rem = (int)(($time-$ts)-($years * 52.177457 * 7 * 86400));
+    $weeks = (int)(($rem)/(7*86400));
+    $days = (int)(($rem)/86400) - $weeks*7;
+    $hours = (int)(($rem)/3600) - $days*24 - $weeks*7*24;
+    $mins = (int)(($rem)/60) - $hours*60 - $days*24*60 - $weeks*7*24*60;
+    $str = '';
+    if($years==1) $str .= "$years year, ";
+    if($years>1) $str .= "$years years, ";
+    if($weeks==1) $str .= "$weeks week, ";
+    if($weeks>1) $str .= "$weeks weeks, ";
+    if($days==1) $str .= "$days day,";
+    if($days>1) $str .= "$days days,";
+    if($hours == 1) $str .= " $hours hour and";
+    if($hours>1) $str .= " $hours hours and";
+    if($mins == 1) $str .= " 1 minute";
+    else $str .= " $mins minutes";
+    return $str;
+// create graphics
+function graphics_avail() {
+    return extension_loaded('gd');
+if (isset($MYREQUEST['IMG']))
+    if (!graphics_avail()) {
+    function fill_arc($im, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter, $start, $end, $color1,$color2,$text='',$placeindex=0) {
+        $r=$diameter/2;
+        $w=deg2rad((360+$start+($end-$start)/2)%360);
+        if (function_exists("imagefilledarc")) {
+            // exists only if GD 2.0.1 is avaliable
+            imagefilledarc($im, $centerX+1, $centerY+1, $diameter, $diameter, $start, $end, $color1, IMG_ARC_PIE);
+            imagefilledarc($im, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter, $diameter, $start, $end, $color2, IMG_ARC_PIE);
+            imagefilledarc($im, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter, $diameter, $start, $end, $color1, IMG_ARC_NOFILL|IMG_ARC_EDGED);
+        } else {
+            imagearc($im, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter, $diameter, $start, $end, $color2);
+            imageline($im, $centerX, $centerY, $centerX + cos(deg2rad($start)) * $r, $centerY + sin(deg2rad($start)) * $r, $color2);
+            imageline($im, $centerX, $centerY, $centerX + cos(deg2rad($start+1)) * $r, $centerY + sin(deg2rad($start)) * $r, $color2);
+            imageline($im, $centerX, $centerY, $centerX + cos(deg2rad($end-1))   * $r, $centerY + sin(deg2rad($end))   * $r, $color2);
+            imageline($im, $centerX, $centerY, $centerX + cos(deg2rad($end))   * $r, $centerY + sin(deg2rad($end))   * $r, $color2);
+            imagefill($im,$centerX + $r*cos($w)/2, $centerY + $r*sin($w)/2, $color2);
+        }
+        if ($text) {
+            if ($placeindex>0) {
+                imageline($im,$centerX + $r*cos($w)/2, $centerY + $r*sin($w)/2,$diameter, $placeindex*12,$color1);
+                imagestring($im,4,$diameter, $placeindex*12,$text,$color1);
+            } else {
+                imagestring($im,4,$centerX + $r*cos($w)/2, $centerY + $r*sin($w)/2,$text,$color1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function text_arc($im, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter, $start, $end, $color1,$text,$placeindex=0) {
+        $r=$diameter/2;
+        $w=deg2rad((360+$start+($end-$start)/2)%360);
+        if ($placeindex>0) {
+            imageline($im,$centerX + $r*cos($w)/2, $centerY + $r*sin($w)/2,$diameter, $placeindex*12,$color1);
+            imagestring($im,4,$diameter, $placeindex*12,$text,$color1);
+        } else {
+            imagestring($im,4,$centerX + $r*cos($w)/2, $centerY + $r*sin($w)/2,$text,$color1);
+        }
+    }
+    function fill_box($im, $x, $y, $w, $h, $color1, $color2,$text='',$placeindex='') {
+        global $col_black;
+        $x1=$x+$w-1;
+        $y1=$y+$h-1;
+        imagerectangle($im, $x, $y1, $x1+1, $y+1, $col_black);
+        if($y1>$y) imagefilledrectangle($im, $x, $y, $x1, $y1, $color2);
+        else imagefilledrectangle($im, $x, $y1, $x1, $y, $color2);
+        imagerectangle($im, $x, $y1, $x1, $y, $color1);
+        if ($text) {
+            if ($placeindex>0) {
+                if ($placeindex<16)
+                {
+                    $px=5;
+                    $py=$placeindex*12+6;
+                    imagefilledrectangle($im, $px+90, $py+3, $px+90-4, $py-3, $color2);
+                    imageline($im,$x,$y+$h/2,$px+90,$py,$color2);
+                    imagestring($im,2,$px,$py-6,$text,$color1);
+                } else {
+                    if ($placeindex<31) {
+                        $px=$x+40*2;
+                        $py=($placeindex-15)*12+6;
+                    } else {
+                        $px=$x+40*2+100*intval(($placeindex-15)/15);
+                        $py=($placeindex%15)*12+6;
+                    }
+                    imagefilledrectangle($im, $px, $py+3, $px-4, $py-3, $color2);
+                    imageline($im,$x+$w,$y+$h/2,$px,$py,$color2);
+                    imagestring($im,2,$px+2,$py-6,$text,$color1);
+                }
+            } else {
+                imagestring($im,4,$x+5,$y1-16,$text,$color1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    $size = GRAPH_SIZE; // image size
+    if ($MYREQUEST['IMG']==3)
+        $image = imagecreate(2*$size+150, $size+10);
+    else
+        $image = imagecreate($size+50, $size+10);
+    $col_white = imagecolorallocate($image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
+    $col_red   = imagecolorallocate($image, 0xD0, 0x60,  0x30);
+    $col_green = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x60, 0xF0, 0x60);
+    $col_black = imagecolorallocate($image,   0,   0,   0);
+    imagecolortransparent($image,$col_white);
+    switch ($MYREQUEST['IMG']) {
+    case 1:
+        $s=$mem['num_seg']*$mem['seg_size'];
+        $a=$mem['avail_mem'];
+        $x=$y=$size/2;
+        $fuzz = 0.000001;
+        // This block of code creates the pie chart.  It is a lot more complex than you
+        // would expect because we try to visualize any memory fragmentation as well.
+        $angle_from = 0;
+        $string_placement=array();
+        for($i=0; $i<$mem['num_seg']; $i++) {
+            $ptr = 0;
+            $free = $mem['block_lists'][$i];
+            uasort($free, 'block_sort');
+            foreach($free as $block) {
+                if($block['offset']!=$ptr) {       // Used block
+                    $angle_to = $angle_from+($block['offset']-$ptr)/$s;
+                    if(($angle_to+$fuzz)>1) $angle_to = 1;
+                    if( ($angle_to*360) - ($angle_from*360) >= 1) {
+                        fill_arc($image,$x,$y,$size,$angle_from*360,$angle_to*360,$col_black,$col_red);
+                        if (($angle_to-$angle_from)>0.05) {
+                            array_push($string_placement, array($angle_from,$angle_to));
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $angle_from = $angle_to;
+                }
+                $angle_to = $angle_from+($block['size'])/$s;
+                if(($angle_to+$fuzz)>1) $angle_to = 1;
+                if( ($angle_to*360) - ($angle_from*360) >= 1) {
+                    fill_arc($image,$x,$y,$size,$angle_from*360,$angle_to*360,$col_black,$col_green);
+                    if (($angle_to-$angle_from)>0.05) {
+                        array_push($string_placement, array($angle_from,$angle_to));
+                    }
+                }
+                $angle_from = $angle_to;
+                $ptr = $block['offset']+$block['size'];
+            }
+            if ($ptr < $mem['seg_size']) { // memory at the end
+                $angle_to = $angle_from + ($mem['seg_size'] - $ptr)/$s;
+                if(($angle_to+$fuzz)>1) $angle_to = 1;
+                fill_arc($image,$x,$y,$size,$angle_from*360,$angle_to*360,$col_black,$col_red);
+                if (($angle_to-$angle_from)>0.05) {
+                    array_push($string_placement, array($angle_from,$angle_to));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        foreach ($string_placement as $angle) {
+            text_arc($image,$x,$y,$size,$angle[0]*360,$angle[1]*360,$col_black,bsize($s*($angle[1]-$angle[0])));
+        }
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        $s=$cache['num_hits']+$cache['num_misses'];
+        $a=$cache['num_hits'];
+        fill_box($image, 30,$size,50,$s ? (-$a*($size-21)/$s) : 0,$col_black,$col_green,sprintf("%.1f%%",$s ? $cache['num_hits']*100/$s : 0));
+        fill_box($image,130,$size,50,$s ? -max(4,($s-$a)*($size-21)/$s) : 0,$col_black,$col_red,sprintf("%.1f%%",$s ? $cache['num_misses']*100/$s : 0));
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        $s=$mem['num_seg']*$mem['seg_size'];
+        $a=$mem['avail_mem'];
+        $x=130;
+        $y=1;
+        $j=1;
+        // This block of code creates the bar chart.  It is a lot more complex than you
+        // would expect because we try to visualize any memory fragmentation as well.
+        for($i=0; $i<$mem['num_seg']; $i++) {
+            $ptr = 0;
+            $free = $mem['block_lists'][$i];
+            uasort($free, 'block_sort');
+            foreach($free as $block) {
+                if($block['offset']!=$ptr) {       // Used block
+                    $h=(GRAPH_SIZE-5)*($block['offset']-$ptr)/$s;
+                    if ($h>0) {
+                                                $j++;
+                        if($j<75) fill_box($image,$x,$y,50,$h,$col_black,$col_red,bsize($block['offset']-$ptr),$j);
+                                                else fill_box($image,$x,$y,50,$h,$col_black,$col_red);
+                                        }
+                    $y+=$h;
+                }
+                $h=(GRAPH_SIZE-5)*($block['size'])/$s;
+                if ($h>0) {
+                                        $j++;
+                    if($j<75) fill_box($image,$x,$y,50,$h,$col_black,$col_green,bsize($block['size']),$j);
+                    else fill_box($image,$x,$y,50,$h,$col_black,$col_green);
+                                }
+                $y+=$h;
+                $ptr = $block['offset']+$block['size'];
+            }
+            if ($ptr < $mem['seg_size']) { // memory at the end
+                $h = (GRAPH_SIZE-5) * ($mem['seg_size'] - $ptr) / $s;
+                if ($h > 0) {
+                    fill_box($image,$x,$y,50,$h,$col_black,$col_red,bsize($mem['seg_size']-$ptr),$j++);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+        case 4:
+            $s=$cache['num_hits']+$cache['num_misses'];
+            $a=$cache['num_hits'];
+            fill_box($image, 30,$size,50,$s ? -$a*($size-21)/$s : 0,$col_black,$col_green,sprintf("%.1f%%", $s ? $cache['num_hits']*100/$s : 0));
+            fill_box($image,130,$size,50,$s ? -max(4,($s-$a)*($size-21)/$s) : 0,$col_black,$col_red,sprintf("%.1f%%", $s ? $cache['num_misses']*100/$s : 0));
+        break;
+    }
+    header("Content-type: image/png");
+    imagepng($image);
+    exit;
+// pretty printer for byte values
+function bsize($s) {
+    foreach (array('','K','M','G') as $i => $k) {
+        if ($s < 1024) break;
+        $s/=1024;
+    }
+    return sprintf("%5.1f %sBytes",$s,$k);
+// sortable table header in "scripts for this host" view
+function sortheader($key,$name,$extra='') {
+    if ($MYREQUEST['SORT1']==$key) {
+        $MYREQUEST['SORT2'] = $MYREQUEST['SORT2']=='A' ? 'D' : 'A';
+    }
+    return "<a class=sortable href=\"$MY_SELF_WO_SORT$extra&SORT1=$key&SORT2=".$MYREQUEST['SORT2']."\">$name</a>";
+// create menu entry
+function menu_entry($ob,$title) {
+    global $MYREQUEST,$MY_SELF;
+    if ($MYREQUEST['OB']!=$ob) {
+        return "<li><a href=\"$MY_SELF&OB=$ob\">$title</a></li>";
+    } else if (empty($MYREQUEST['SH'])) {
+        return "<li><span class=active>$title</span></li>";
+    } else {
+        return "<li><a class=\"child_active\" href=\"$MY_SELF&OB=$ob\">$title</a></li>";
+    }
+function put_login_link($s="Login")
+    // needs ADMIN_PASSWORD to be changed!
+    //
+        return;
+    } else if (ADMIN_PASSWORD=='password')
+    {
+        print <<<EOB
+            <a href="#" onClick="javascript:alert('You need to set a password at the top of apc.php before this will work!');return false";>$s</a>
+    } else if ($AUTHENTICATED) {
+        print <<<EOB
+            '{$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']}'&nbsp;logged&nbsp;in!
+    } else{
+        print <<<EOB
+            <a href="$MY_SELF&LO=1&OB={$MYREQUEST['OB']}">$s</a>
+    }
+function block_sort($array1, $array2)
+    if ($array1['offset'] > $array2['offset']) {
+        return 1;
+    } else {
+        return -1;
+    }
-die("Unable to find APC control file");
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<head><title>APCu INFO <?php echo $host ?></title>
+body { background:white; font-size:100.01%; margin:0; padding:0; }
+body,p,td,th,input,submit { font-size:0.8em;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; }
+* html body   {font-size:0.8em}
+* html p      {font-size:0.8em}
+* html td     {font-size:0.8em}
+* html th     {font-size:0.8em}
+* html input  {font-size:0.8em}
+* html submit {font-size:0.8em}
+td { vertical-align:top }
+a { color:black; font-weight:none; text-decoration:none; }
+a:hover { text-decoration:underline; }
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+    position:absolute;
+    right: 1em;
+    top: 1.2em;
+    color:white;
+    width:6em;
+    }
+div.head div.login a {
+    position:absolute;
+    right: 0em;
+    background:rgb(119,123,180);
+    border:solid rgb(102,102,153) 2px;
+    color:white;
+    font-weight:bold;
+    padding:0.1em 0.5em 0.1em 0.5em;
+    text-decoration:none;
+    }
+div.head div.login a:hover {
+    background:rgb(193,193,244);
+    }
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+* html h1.apc { margin-bottom:-7px; }
+h1.apc a:hover { text-decoration:none; color:rgb(90,90,90); }
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+    background:rgb(119,123,180);
+    color:black;
+    border-right: solid black 1px;
+    border-bottom: solid black 1px;
+    font-style:italic;
+    font-size:1em;
+    padding-left:1.2em;
+    padding-right:1.2em;
+    text-align:right;
+    }
+h1.apc div.logo span.name { color:white; font-size:0.7em; padding:0 0.8em 0 2em; }
+h1.apc div.nameinfo { color:white; display:inline; font-size:0.4em; margin-left: 3em; }
+h1.apc div.copy { color:black; font-size:0.4em; position:absolute; right:1em; }
+hr.apc {
+    background:white;
+    border-bottom:solid rgb(102,102,153) 1px;
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+ol.menu li { display:inline; margin-right:0.7em; list-style:none; font-size:85%}
+ol.menu a {
+    background:rgb(153,153,204);
+    border:solid rgb(102,102,153) 2px;
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+    margin-right:0em;
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+    text-decoration:none;
+    margin-left: 5px;
+    }
+ol.menu a.child_active {
+    background:rgb(153,153,204);
+    border:solid rgb(102,102,153) 2px;
+    color:white;
+    font-weight:bold;
+    margin-right:0em;
+    padding:0.1em 0.5em 0.1em 0.5em;
+    text-decoration:none;
+    border-left: solid black 5px;
+    margin-left: 0px;
+    }
+ol.menu span.active {
+    background:rgb(153,153,204);
+    border:solid rgb(102,102,153) 2px;
+    color:black;
+    font-weight:bold;
+    margin-right:0em;
+    padding:0.1em 0.5em 0.1em 0.5em;
+    text-decoration:none;
+    border-left: solid black 5px;
+    }
+ol.menu span.inactive {
+    background:rgb(193,193,244);
+    border:solid rgb(182,182,233) 2px;
+    color:white;
+    font-weight:bold;
+    margin-right:0em;
+    padding:0.1em 0.5em 0.1em 0.5em;
+    text-decoration:none;
+    margin-left: 5px;
+    }
+ol.menu a:hover {
+    background:rgb(193,193,244);
+    text-decoration:none;
+    }
+div.info {
+    background:rgb(204,204,204);
+    border:solid rgb(204,204,204) 1px;
+    margin-bottom:1em;
+    }
+div.info h2 {
+    background:rgb(204,204,204);
+    color:black;
+    font-size:1em;
+    margin:0;
+    padding:0.1em 1em 0.1em 1em;
+    }
+div.info table {
+    border:solid rgb(204,204,204) 1px;
+    border-spacing:0;
+    width:100%;
+    }
+div.info table th {
+    background:rgb(204,204,204);
+    color:white;
+    margin:0;
+    padding:0.1em 1em 0.1em 1em;
+    }
+div.info table th a.sortable { color:black; }
+div.info table tr.tr-0 { background:rgb(238,238,238); }
+div.info table tr.tr-1 { background:rgb(221,221,221); }
+div.info table td { padding:0.3em 1em 0.3em 1em; }
+div.info table td.td-0 { border-right:solid rgb(102,102,153) 1px; white-space:nowrap; }
+div.info table td.td-n { border-right:solid rgb(102,102,153) 1px; }
+div.info table td h3 {
+    color:black;
+    font-size:1.1em;
+    margin-left:-0.3em;
+    }
+div.graph { margin-bottom:1em }
+div.graph h2 { background:rgb(204,204,204);; color:black; font-size:1em; margin:0; padding:0.1em 1em 0.1em 1em; }
+div.graph table { border:solid rgb(204,204,204) 1px; color:black; font-weight:normal; width:100%; }
+div.graph table td.td-0 { background:rgb(238,238,238); }
+div.graph table td.td-1 { background:rgb(221,221,221); }
+div.graph table td { padding:0.2em 1em 0.4em 1em; }
+div.div1,div.div2 { margin-bottom:1em; width:35em; }
+div.div3 { position:absolute; left:40em; top:1em; width:580px; }
+//div.div3 { position:absolute; left:37em; top:1em; right:1em; }
+div.sorting { margin:1.5em 0em 1.5em 2em }
+.center { text-align:center }
+.aright { position:absolute;right:1em }
+.right { text-align:right }
+.ok { color:rgb(0,200,0); font-weight:bold}
+.failed { color:rgb(200,0,0); font-weight:bold}
+span.box {
+    border: black solid 1px;
+    border-right:solid black 2px;
+    border-bottom:solid black 2px;
+    padding:0 0.5em 0 0.5em;
+    margin-right:1em;
+span.green { background:#60F060; padding:0 0.5em 0 0.5em}
+span.red { background:#D06030; padding:0 0.5em 0 0.5em }
+div.authneeded {
+    background:rgb(238,238,238);
+    border:solid rgb(204,204,204) 1px;
+    color:rgb(200,0,0);
+    font-size:1.2em;
+    font-weight:bold;
+    padding:2em;
+    text-align:center;
+    }
+input {
+    background:rgb(153,153,204);
+    border:solid rgb(102,102,153) 2px;
+    color:white;
+    font-weight:bold;
+    margin-right:1em;
+    padding:0.1em 0.5em 0.1em 0.5em;
+    }
+<div class="head">
+    <h1 class="apc">
+        <div class="logo"><span class="logo"><a href="http://pecl.php.net/package/APCu">APCu</a></span></div>
+        <div class="nameinfo">User Cache</div>
+    </h1>
+    <div class="login">
+    <?php put_login_link(); ?>
+    </div>
+    <hr class="apc">
+// Display main Menu
+echo <<<EOB
+    <ol class=menu>
+    <li><a href="$MY_SELF&OB={$MYREQUEST['OB']}&SH={$MYREQUEST['SH']}">Refresh Data</a></li>
+    menu_entry(OB_HOST_STATS,'View Host Stats'),
+    menu_entry(OB_USER_CACHE,'User Cache Entries'),
+    menu_entry(OB_VERSION_CHECK,'Version Check');
+    echo <<<EOB
+        <li><a class="aright" href="$MY_SELF&CC=1&OB={$MYREQUEST['OB']}" onClick="javascript:return confirm('Are you sure?');">Clear Cache</a></li>
+echo <<<EOB
+    </ol>
+echo <<<EOB
+    <div class=content>
+switch ($MYREQUEST['OB']) {
+// -----------------------------------------------
+// Host Stats
+// -----------------------------------------------
+    $mem_size = $mem['num_seg']*$mem['seg_size'];
+    $mem_avail= $mem['avail_mem'];
+    $mem_used = $mem_size-$mem_avail;
+    $seg_size = bsize($mem['seg_size']);
+    $req_rate_user = sprintf("%.2f", $cache['num_hits'] ? (($cache['num_hits']+$cache['num_misses'])/($time-$cache['start_time'])) : 0);
+    $hit_rate_user = sprintf("%.2f", $cache['num_hits'] ? (($cache['num_hits'])/($time-$cache['start_time'])) : 0);
+    $miss_rate_user = sprintf("%.2f", $cache['num_misses'] ? (($cache['num_misses'])/($time-$cache['start_time'])) : 0);
+    $insert_rate_user = sprintf("%.2f", $cache['num_inserts'] ? (($cache['num_inserts'])/($time-$cache['start_time'])) : 0);
+    $apcversion = phpversion('apcu');
+    $phpversion = phpversion();
+    $number_vars = $cache['num_entries'];
+    $size_vars = bsize($cache['mem_size']);
+    $i=0;
+    echo <<< EOB
+        <div class="info div1"><h2>General Cache Information</h2>
+        <table cellspacing=0><tbody>
+        <tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>APCu Version</td><td>$apcversion</td></tr>
+        <tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>PHP Version</td><td>$phpversion</td></tr>
+    if(!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
+        echo "<tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>APCu Host</td><td>{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']} $host</td></tr>\n";
+    if(!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']))
+        echo "<tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Server Software</td><td>{$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']}</td></tr>\n";
+    echo <<<EOB
+        <tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Shared Memory</td><td>{$mem['num_seg']} Segment(s) with $seg_size
+    <br/> ({$cache['memory_type']} memory)
+    </td></tr>
+    echo   '<tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Start Time</td><td>',date(DATE_FORMAT,$cache['start_time']),'</td></tr>';
+    echo   '<tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Uptime</td><td>',duration($cache['start_time']),'</td></tr>';
+    echo <<<EOB
+        </tbody></table>
+        </div>
+        <div class="info div1"><h2>Cache Information</h2>
+        <table cellspacing=0>
+        <tbody>
+            <tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Cached Variables</td><td>$number_vars ($size_vars)</td></tr>
+            <tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Hits</td><td>{$cache['num_hits']}</td></tr>
+            <tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Misses</td><td>{$cache['num_misses']}</td></tr>
+            <tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Request Rate (hits, misses)</td><td>$req_rate_user cache requests/second</td></tr>
+            <tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Hit Rate</td><td>$hit_rate_user cache requests/second</td></tr>
+            <tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Miss Rate</td><td>$miss_rate_user cache requests/second</td></tr>
+            <tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Insert Rate</td><td>$insert_rate_user cache requests/second</td></tr>
+            <tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Cache full count</td><td>{$cache['expunges']}</td></tr>
+        </tbody>
+        </table>
+        </div>
+        <div class="info div2"><h2>Runtime Settings</h2><table cellspacing=0><tbody>
+    $j = 0;
+    foreach (ini_get_all('apcu') as $k => $v) {
+        echo "<tr class=tr-$j><td class=td-0>",$k,"</td><td>",str_replace(',',',<br />',$v['local_value']),"</td></tr>\n";
+        $j = 1 - $j;
+    }
+    if($mem['num_seg']>1 || $mem['num_seg']==1 && count($mem['block_lists'][0])>1)
+        $mem_note = "Memory Usage<br /><font size=-2>(multiple slices indicate fragments)</font>";
+    else
+        $mem_note = "Memory Usage";
+    echo <<< EOB
+        </tbody></table>
+        </div>
+        <div class="graph div3"><h2>Host Status Diagrams</h2>
+        <table cellspacing=0><tbody>
+    $size='width='.(GRAPH_SIZE+50).' height='.(GRAPH_SIZE+10);
+echo <<<EOB
+        <tr>
+        <td class=td-0>$mem_note</td>
+        <td class=td-1>Hits &amp; Misses</td>
+        </tr>
+    echo
+        graphics_avail() ?
+              '<tr>'.
+              "<td class=td-0><img alt=\"\" $size src=\"$PHP_SELF?IMG=1&$time\"></td>".
+              "<td class=td-1><img alt=\"\" $size src=\"$PHP_SELF?IMG=2&$time\"></td></tr>\n"
+            : "",
+        '<tr>',
+        '<td class=td-0><span class="green box">&nbsp;</span>Free: ',bsize($mem_avail).sprintf(" (%.1f%%)",$mem_avail*100/$mem_size),"</td>\n",
+        '<td class=td-1><span class="green box">&nbsp;</span>Hits: ',$cache['num_hits'].@sprintf(" (%.1f%%)",$cache['num_hits']*100/($cache['num_hits']+$cache['num_misses'])),"</td>\n",
+        '</tr>',
+        '<tr>',
+        '<td class=td-0><span class="red box">&nbsp;</span>Used: ',bsize($mem_used).sprintf(" (%.1f%%)",$mem_used *100/$mem_size),"</td>\n",
+        '<td class=td-1><span class="red box">&nbsp;</span>Misses: ',$cache['num_misses'].@sprintf(" (%.1f%%)",$cache['num_misses']*100/($cache['num_hits']+$cache['num_misses'])),"</td>\n";
+    echo <<< EOB
+        </tr>
+        </tbody></table>
+        <br/>
+        <h2>Detailed Memory Usage and Fragmentation</h2>
+        <table cellspacing=0><tbody>
+        <tr>
+        <td class=td-0 colspan=2><br/>
+    // Fragementation: (freeseg - 1) / total_seg
+    $nseg = $freeseg = $fragsize = $freetotal = 0;
+    for($i=0; $i<$mem['num_seg']; $i++) {
+        $ptr = 0;
+        foreach($mem['block_lists'][$i] as $block) {
+            if ($block['offset'] != $ptr) {
+                ++$nseg;
+            }
+            $ptr = $block['offset'] + $block['size'];
+                        /* Only consider blocks <5M for the fragmentation % */
+                        if($block['size']<(5*1024*1024)) $fragsize+=$block['size'];
+                        $freetotal+=$block['size'];
+        }
+        $freeseg += count($mem['block_lists'][$i]);
+    }
+    if ($freeseg > 1) {
+        $frag = sprintf("%.2f%% (%s out of %s in %d fragments)", ($fragsize/$freetotal)*100,bsize($fragsize),bsize($freetotal),$freeseg);
+    } else {
+        $frag = "0%";
+    }
+    if (graphics_avail()) {
+        $size='width='.(2*GRAPH_SIZE+150).' height='.(GRAPH_SIZE+10);
+        echo <<<EOB
+            <img alt="" $size src="$PHP_SELF?IMG=3&$time">
+    }
+    echo <<<EOB
+        </br>Fragmentation: $frag
+        </td>
+        </tr>
+        if(isset($mem['adist'])) {
+          foreach($mem['adist'] as $i=>$v) {
+            $cur = pow(2,$i); $nxt = pow(2,$i+1)-1;
+            if($i==0) $range = "1";
+            else $range = "$cur - $nxt";
+            echo "<tr><th align=right>$range</th><td align=right>$v</td></tr>\n";
+          }
+        }
+        echo <<<EOB
+        </tbody></table>
+        </div>
+    break;
+// -----------------------------------------------
+// User Cache Entries
+// -----------------------------------------------
+    if (!$AUTHENTICATED) {
+    echo '<div class="error">You need to login to see the user values here!<br/>&nbsp;<br/>';
+        put_login_link("Login now!");
+        echo '</div>';
+        break;
+    }
+    $fieldname='info';
+    $fieldheading='User Entry Label';
+    $fieldkey='info';
+    $cols=6;
+    echo <<<EOB
+        <div class=sorting><form>Scope:
+        <input type=hidden name=OB value={$MYREQUEST['OB']}>
+        <select name=SCOPE>
+    echo
+        "<option value=A",$MYREQUEST['SCOPE']=='A' ? " selected":"",">Active</option>",
+        "<option value=D",$MYREQUEST['SCOPE']=='D' ? " selected":"",">Deleted</option>",
+        "</select>",
+        ", Sorting:<select name=SORT1>",
+        "<option value=H",$MYREQUEST['SORT1']=='H' ? " selected":"",">Hits</option>",
+        "<option value=Z",$MYREQUEST['SORT1']=='Z' ? " selected":"",">Size</option>",
+        "<option value=S",$MYREQUEST['SORT1']=='S' ? " selected":"",">$fieldheading</option>",
+        "<option value=A",$MYREQUEST['SORT1']=='A' ? " selected":"",">Last accessed</option>",
+        "<option value=M",$MYREQUEST['SORT1']=='M' ? " selected":"",">Last modified</option>",
+        "<option value=C",$MYREQUEST['SORT1']=='C' ? " selected":"",">Created at</option>",
+        "<option value=D",$MYREQUEST['SORT1']=='D' ? " selected":"",">Deleted at</option>";
+    if($fieldname=='info') echo
+        "<option value=D",$MYREQUEST['SORT1']=='T' ? " selected":"",">Timeout</option>";
+    echo
+        '</select>',
+        '<select name=SORT2>',
+        '<option value=D',$MYREQUEST['SORT2']=='D' ? ' selected':'','>DESC</option>',
+        '<option value=A',$MYREQUEST['SORT2']=='A' ? ' selected':'','>ASC</option>',
+        '</select>',
+        '<select name=COUNT onChange="form.submit()">',
+        '<option value=10 ',$MYREQUEST['COUNT']=='10' ? ' selected':'','>Top 10</option>',
+        '<option value=20 ',$MYREQUEST['COUNT']=='20' ? ' selected':'','>Top 20</option>',
+        '<option value=50 ',$MYREQUEST['COUNT']=='50' ? ' selected':'','>Top 50</option>',
+        '<option value=100',$MYREQUEST['COUNT']=='100'? ' selected':'','>Top 100</option>',
+        '<option value=150',$MYREQUEST['COUNT']=='150'? ' selected':'','>Top 150</option>',
+        '<option value=200',$MYREQUEST['COUNT']=='200'? ' selected':'','>Top 200</option>',
+        '<option value=500',$MYREQUEST['COUNT']=='500'? ' selected':'','>Top 500</option>',
+        '<option value=0  ',$MYREQUEST['COUNT']=='0'  ? ' selected':'','>All</option>',
+        '</select>',
+    '&nbsp; Search: <input name=SEARCH value="',$MYREQUEST['SEARCH'],'" type=text size=25/>',
+        '&nbsp;<input type=submit value="GO!">',
+        '</form></div>';
+  if (isset($MYREQUEST['SEARCH'])) {
+   // Don't use preg_quote because we want the user to be able to specify a
+   // regular expression subpattern.
+   $MYREQUEST['SEARCH'] = '/'.str_replace('/', '\\/', $MYREQUEST['SEARCH']).'/i';
+   if (preg_match($MYREQUEST['SEARCH'], 'test') === false) {
+     echo '<div class="error">Error: enter a valid regular expression as a search query.</div>';
+     break;
+   }
+  }
+  echo
+        '<div class="info"><table cellspacing=0><tbody>',
+        '<tr>',
+        '<th>',sortheader('S',$fieldheading,  "&OB=".$MYREQUEST['OB']),'</th>',
+        '<th>',sortheader('H','Hits',         "&OB=".$MYREQUEST['OB']),'</th>',
+        '<th>',sortheader('Z','Size',         "&OB=".$MYREQUEST['OB']),'</th>',
+        '<th>',sortheader('A','Last accessed',"&OB=".$MYREQUEST['OB']),'</th>',
+        '<th>',sortheader('M','Last modified',"&OB=".$MYREQUEST['OB']),'</th>',
+        '<th>',sortheader('C','Created at',   "&OB=".$MYREQUEST['OB']),'</th>';
+    if($fieldname=='info') {
+        $cols+=2;
+         echo '<th>',sortheader('T','Timeout',"&OB=".$MYREQUEST['OB']),'</th>';
+    }
+    echo '<th>',sortheader('D','Deleted at',"&OB=".$MYREQUEST['OB']),'</th></tr>';
+    // builds list with alpha numeric sortable keys
+    //
+    $list = array();
+    foreach($cache[$scope_list[$MYREQUEST['SCOPE']]] as $i => $entry) {
+        switch($MYREQUEST['SORT1']) {
+            case 'A': $k=sprintf('%015d-',$entry['access_time']);        break;
+            case 'H': $k=sprintf('%015d-',$entry['num_hits']);       break;
+            case 'Z': $k=sprintf('%015d-',$entry['mem_size']);       break;
+            case 'M': $k=sprintf('%015d-',$entry['mtime']);  break;
+            case 'C': $k=sprintf('%015d-',$entry['creation_time']);      break;
+            case 'T': $k=sprintf('%015d-',$entry['ttl']);            break;
+            case 'D': $k=sprintf('%015d-',$entry['deletion_time']);      break;
+            case 'S': $k=$entry["info"];                     break;
+        }
+        if (!$AUTHENTICATED) {
+            // hide all path entries if not logged in
+            $list[$k.$entry[$fieldname]]=preg_replace('/^.*(\\/|\\\\)/','*hidden*/',$entry);
+        } else {
+            $list[$k.$entry[$fieldname]]=$entry;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($list) {
+        // sort list
+        //
+        switch ($MYREQUEST['SORT2']) {
+            case "A":   krsort($list);  break;
+            case "D":   ksort($list);   break;
+        }
+        // output list
+        $i=0;
+        foreach($list as $k => $entry) {
+      if(!$MYREQUEST['SEARCH'] || preg_match($MYREQUEST['SEARCH'], $entry[$fieldname]) != 0) {
+        $sh=md5($entry["info"]);
+        $field_value = htmlentities(strip_tags($entry[$fieldname],''), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
+        echo
+          '<tr id="key-'. $sh .'" class=tr-',$i%2,'>',
+          "<td class=td-0><a href=\"$MY_SELF&OB=",$MYREQUEST['OB'],"&SH=",$sh,"#key-". $sh ."\">",$field_value,'</a></td>',
+          '<td class="td-n center">',$entry['num_hits'],'</td>',
+          '<td class="td-n right">',$entry['mem_size'],'</td>',
+          '<td class="td-n center">',date(DATE_FORMAT,$entry['access_time']),'</td>',
+          '<td class="td-n center">',date(DATE_FORMAT,$entry['mtime']),'</td>',
+          '<td class="td-n center">',date(DATE_FORMAT,$entry['creation_time']),'</td>';
+        if($fieldname=='info') {
+          if($entry['ttl'])
+            echo '<td class="td-n center">'.$entry['ttl'].' seconds</td>';
+          else
+            echo '<td class="td-n center">None</td>';
+        }
+        if ($entry['deletion_time']) {
+          echo '<td class="td-last center">', date(DATE_FORMAT,$entry['deletion_time']), '</td>';
+        } else if ($MYREQUEST['OB'] == OB_USER_CACHE) {
+          echo '<td class="td-last center">';
+          echo '[<a href="', $MY_SELF, '&OB=', $MYREQUEST['OB'], '&DU=', urlencode($entry[$fieldkey]), '">Delete Now</a>]';
+          echo '</td>';
+        } else {
+          echo '<td class="td-last center"> &nbsp; </td>';
+        }
+        echo '</tr>';
+        if ($sh == $MYREQUEST["SH"]) {
+            echo '<tr>';
+            echo '<td colspan="7"><pre>'.htmlentities(print_r(apcu_fetch($entry['info']), 1)).'</pre></td>';
+            echo '</tr>';
+        }
+        $i++;
+        if ($i == $MYREQUEST['COUNT'])
+          break;
+      }
+        }
+    } else {
+        echo '<tr class=tr-0><td class="center" colspan=',$cols,'><i>No data</i></td></tr>';
+    }
+    echo <<< EOB
+        </tbody></table>
+    if ($list && $i < count($list)) {
+        echo "<a href=\"$MY_SELF&OB=",$MYREQUEST['OB'],"&COUNT=0\"><i>",count($list)-$i,' more available...</i></a>';
+    }
+    echo <<< EOB
+        </div>
+    break;
+// -----------------------------------------------
+// Version check
+// -----------------------------------------------
+    echo <<<EOB
+        <div class="info"><h2>APCu Version Information</h2>
+        <table cellspacing=0><tbody>
+        <tr>
+        <th></th>
+        </tr>
+  if (defined('PROXY')) {
+    $ctxt = stream_context_create( array( 'http' => array( 'proxy' => PROXY, 'request_fulluri' => True ) ) );
+    $rss = @file_get_contents("http://pecl.php.net/feeds/pkg_apcu.rss", False, $ctxt);
+  } else {
+    $rss = @file_get_contents("http://pecl.php.net/feeds/pkg_apcu.rss");
+  }
+    if (!$rss) {
+        echo '<tr class="td-last center"><td>Unable to fetch version information.</td></tr>';
+    } else {
+        $apcversion = phpversion('apcu');
+        preg_match('!<title>APCu ([0-9.]+)</title>!', $rss, $match);
+        echo '<tr class="tr-0 center"><td>';
+        if (version_compare($apcversion, $match[1], '>=')) {
+            echo '<div class="ok">You are running the latest version of APCu ('.$apcversion.')</div>';
+            $i = 3;
+        } else {
+            echo '<div class="failed">You are running an older version of APCu ('.$apcversion.'),
+                newer version '.$match[1].' is available at <a href="http://pecl.php.net/package/APCu/'.$match[1].'">
+                http://pecl.php.net/package/APCu/'.$match[1].'</a>
+                </div>';
+            $i = -1;
+        }
+        echo '</td></tr>';
+        echo '<tr class="tr-0"><td><h3>Change Log:</h3><br/>';
+        preg_match_all('!<(title|description)>([^<]+)</\\1>!', $rss, $match);
+        $changelog = $match[2];
+        for ($j = 2; $j + 1 < count($changelog); $j += 2) {
+            $v = $changelog[$j];
+            if ($i < 0 && version_compare($apcversion, $ver, '>=')) {
+                break;
+            } else if (!$i--) {
+                break;
+            }
+            list($unused, $ver) = $v;
+            $changes = $changelog[$j + 1];
+            echo "<b><a href=\"http://pecl.php.net/package/APCu/$ver\">".htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')."</a></b><br><blockquote>";
+            echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($changes, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))."</blockquote>";
+        }
+        echo '</td></tr>';
+    }
+    echo <<< EOB
+        </tbody></table>
+        </div>
+    break;
+echo <<< EOB
+    </div>
+<!-- <?php echo "\nBased on APCGUI By R.Becker\n$VERSION\n"?> -->