default.j2 548 B

  1. {% if ansible_prolog -%}
  2. {% from 'templates/ansible/prolog.j2' import prolog with context %}
  3. {{ prolog() }}
  4. {% endif -%}
  5. # Defaults for smartmontools initscript (/etc/init.d/smartmontools)
  6. # This is a POSIX shell fragment
  7. # List of devices you want to explicitly enable S.M.A.R.T. for
  8. # Not needed (and not recommended) if the device is monitored by smartd
  9. #enable_smart="/dev/hda /dev/hdb"
  10. # uncomment to start smartd on system startup
  11. start_smartd=yes
  12. # uncomment to pass additional options to smartd on startup
  13. #smartd_opts="--interval=1800"