jessie.conf.j2 3.3 KB

  1. {% if ansible_prolog -%}
  2. {% from 'templates/ansible/prolog.j2' import prolog with context %}
  3. {{ prolog() }}
  4. {% endif -%}
  5. #
  6. # Ganeti deboostrap instance for Debian Jessie 8
  7. #
  8. # PROXY: if non-null, use this as an http(s)-proxy in order to speed
  9. # up non-cached installs or provide internet access if not directly
  10. # possible; not that if not set, debootstrap might still use a
  11. # system-wide proxy setting if it is exported in the ganeti-noded
  12. # daemon environment (but the node daemon environment is cleaned up
  13. # and not exported starting with Ganeti 2.5)
  14. # PROXY=""
  15. # MIRROR: do not customize MIRROR if you want to be able to install
  16. # both debian and ubuntu, since they have different defaults; or
  17. # customize it before each install
  18. MIRROR=""
  19. # ARCH: define ARCH only if you want a different architecture than the
  20. # current one; the known use case is to install a 32-bit instance on a
  21. # 64-bit node; choose either "i386" or "amd64":
  22. ARCH="amd64"
  23. # SUITE: change suite to any of the ones supported by deboostrap; this
  24. # could be unstable, etch, etc.:
  25. SUITE="jessie"
  26. # EXTRA_PKGS: depending on the suite and architecture you are using, different
  27. # extra packages are needed for different hypervisors. For example:
  28. #
  29. # Xen, for squeeze i386:
  30. # EXTRA_PKGS="linux-image-xen-686,libc6-xen"
  31. # Xen, for wheezy i386:
  32. # EXTRA_PKGS="libc6-xen"
  33. # Xen, for squeeze amd64:
  34. # EXTRA_PKGS="linux-image-xen-amd64"
  35. # KVM, for squeeze/wheezy i386:
  36. # EXTRA_PKGS="acpi-support-base,console-tools,udev,linux-image-686"
  37. # KVM, for squeeze/wheezy amd64:
  38. # EXTRA_PKGS="acpi-support-base,console-tools,udev,linux-image-amd64"
  39. EXTRA_PKGS="linux-image-amd64,grub2-common,python-apt,lsb-release,openssh-server,grub2-common"
  40. # COMPONENTS: if defined, overrides the default debootstrap components
  41. # ("main"); when not defined, it will not passed to debootstrap
  42. # Debian example:
  43. # COMPONENTS="main,contrib,non-free"
  44. # Ubuntu example:
  45. # COMPONENTS="main,universe"
  46. # Default:
  47. COMPONENTS="main"
  48. # CUSTOMIZE_DIR: a directory containing scripts to customize the installation.
  49. # The scripts are executed using run-parts
  50. # By default /etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks
  51. # CUSTOMIZE_DIR="/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks"
  52. # GENERATE_CACHE: if set to yes (the default), create new cache files;
  53. # any other value will disable the generation of cache files (but they
  54. # will still be used if they exist)
  55. GENERATE_CACHE="yes"
  56. # CLEAN_CACHE: should be set to the number of days after which to
  57. # clean the cache; the default is 14 (two weeks); to disable cache
  58. # cleaning, set it to an empty value ("")
  59. CLEAN_CACHE="7"
  60. # PARTITION_STYLE: whether and how the target device should be partitioned.
  61. # Allowed values:
  62. # 'none': just format the device, but don't partition it
  63. # 'msdos': install an msdos partition table on the device, with a single
  64. # partition on it
  65. # (more styles may be added in the future)
  66. # The default is "msdos" from ganeti 2.0 onwards, but none if installing under
  67. # Ganeti 1.2 (os api version 5)
  68. # PARTITION_STYLE="none"
  69. # PARTITION_ALIGNMENT: the alignment of the partitions in sectors
  70. # (512B); this defaults to 1MiB to give grub enough space for
  71. # embedding and for better alignment with modern media (HDDs and
  72. # SSDs), feel free to increase it if your media has even bigger
  73. # allocation blocks