@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#compdef aptitude
-local curcontext="$curcontext" state line cmds ret=1
-_arguments -C \
- '(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' \
- '(- 1 *)--version[display version information]' \
- '(-s --simulate)'{-s,--simulate}'[print actions without performing them]' \
- '(-d --download-only)'{-d,--download-only}"[just download packages - don't install]" \
- '(-P --prompt)'{-P,--prompt}'[always display a prompt]' \
- '(-y --assume-yes)'{-y,--assume-yes}'[assume yes answer to questions]' \
- '(-F --display-format)'{-F,--display-format}'[specify output format for search command]:format' \
- '(-O --sort)'{-O,--sort}'[specify sort order]:sort order:()' \
- '(-w --width)'{-w,--width}'[specify output width]:width' \
- '-f[aggressivley try to fix dependencies of broken packages]' \
- '(-V --show-versions)'{-V,--show-versions}'[show which versions of packages will be installed]' \
- '(-D --show-deps)'{-D,--show-deps}'[show brief explanations of automatic installations and removals]' \
- '-Z[show disk space changes for each package]' \
- '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[causes some commands to display extra information]' \
- '(--without-recommends)--with-recommends[install recommended packages when installing new packages]' \
- '(--without-suggests)--with-suggests[install suggested packages when installing new packages]' \
- '(--with-recommends)--without-recommends[ignore recommended packages when installing new packages]' \
- '(--with-suggests)--without-suggests[ignore suggested packages when installing new packages]' \
- '1: :->cmds' \
- '*: :->args' && ret=0
-case $state in
- cmds)
- cmds=( ${${(M)${(f)"$(LC_ALL=C _call_program commands aptitude -h 2>/dev/null)"}:#* - *}/(#b) (*[^ ]) #- (*)/$match[1]:$match[2]:l})
- _describe -t commands 'aptitude command' cmds && ret=0
- ;;
- args)
- case $line[1] in
- search)
- _message -e patterns pattern
- ;;
- download|show)
- _deb_packages avail && ret=0
- ;;
- remove|purge|hold)
- _deb_packages installed && ret=0
- ;;
- install|markauto|unmarkauto)
- _deb_packages uninstalled && ret=0
- ;;
- *)
- (( ret )) && _message 'no more arguments'
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
-return ret